Page 59 of Rhett Redeemed
I smile. “That is really sweet. I don’t want to keep this a secret anymore. I feel so much better now it’s all out in the open.”
“Thank you for telling me. I’d have rather heard it from you than someone else,” she says, grabbing the wine bottle. “I guess this is all mine now. I think I need it.”
I laugh. “Thank you for being so wonderful, Cara. I know it’s not the easiest situation for you.”
“Don’t worry about me. It will be fine,” she assures me. “How are you handling everything? I mean, you’re going to be a mom, wow!”
I smile big, finally allowing myself to dig into the Chinese food Cara brought over. “I’m actually good now that we’ve talked. I met a friend who is due around the same time, and she and I have been going to a mom group together.”
“That’s great! Now let’s eat, and tell me how your pregnancy has been going so far. Have you been nauseous? How are you coping with work? And what’s been happening with the house?”
“The house is falling apart,” I grumble. “I’m going to call a real estate agent.”
“Good idea.”
I update her on everything that has been going on, and feel like a weight has been lifted off me.
Rhett knows.
Cara knows.
And they are both supporting me.
They might not have worked out together, but they are both individually the best people I’ve ever known.
Chapter Twenty-Four
My phone buzzes with a text just as I reach the clubhouse.
Con: I told Cara about the baby.
Rhett: What did she say?
Neither of us wants to hurt Cara, but this is something that needed to come out.
Con: She’s being supportive. We are lucky to have her. She’s amazing.
I have to admit that I never once thought I would hear a current girlfriend saying that about an ex, but then again I never thought that I’d date sisters either.
But here we are.
Rhett: I’m glad. Just got to the clubhouse. I’ll call you tonight.
Con: Okay.
With Cara being so accepting, I just hope that Con is willing to give me a chance and see where we can go together. I want her here, by my side, as my old lady.
Con is mine. She just doesn’t know it yet.
Three days later and I’m back at Con’s, waiting for her when she finishes work. I bring her flowers and food.
“Hey,” she says as she hops out of her car, her long white dress blowing behind her in the wind. “You brought me flowers again?”
“Of course I did,” I reply, grinning and handing them to her. “And you said you were craving a burger, so I got you that on the way, too.”
“You are too good to me,” she comments, kissing my cheek and then moving to unlock the door.