Page 23 of Caden
“Hmm... I’ll have to think about that. I’m not sure parked in a garage somewhere would be nearly as fun.”
“Who said anything about a garage? I’d find some secluded place, maybe out a dirt road, and then we can have some fun.”
“Day or night?”
Caden drew his brows together at her question. What was she thinking? “Which sounds like more fun to you?”
“Daytime. Definitely daytime.”
There was mischief in her tone that was hard to miss.
“Someone seems to like adventure and maybe the risk of getting caught?” He wasn’t sure he was ready to get up yet, but he wanted to see her face. Caden rolled onto his side and propped his head on his hand so he could watch her. “Does the idea of getting caught having sex excite you?” He ran the tip of one finger along her collar bone and down her chest.
“Maybe?” Her voice squeaked as she spoke, and a pretty pink color seemed to rise up her body from her toes to the top of her head.
He slowly trailed his fingers up to her chin where he used one finger to turn her head until she looked at him.
“Honesty, sweetheart. Tell me what intrigues you, what turns you on. I can’t promise we’ll do it, but I won’t make fun of you, and I won’t belittle you. If it’s something I can arrange safely, we might do it. But I won’t compromise your safety. Ever. Okay?”
“Okay.” Her gaze never flickered from his.
Caden didn’t know if it would make a difference, but he wanted her to trust him, with everything. He’d dated, a lot, and he’d had more than his share of wild sex, but he’d never had anyone he wanted to show every experience they wanted, as long as he could be sure she would be safe. It was a new instinct to him, this protective bit, but it felt right. He just hoped he didn’t make her feel like her brothers did in their over protection.
Should he try again? Would he get a more honest answer? He wouldn’t know until he tried.
“So does the idea of getting caught having sex turn you on?”
She met his gaze, but remained silent for a moment as if battling with herself, whether or not she would admit what she really felt. He hoped she would trust him with that but knew he couldn’t force her.
“Yeah,” color rose on her face as she continued, “I’m not sure I would like it to actually happen, but the idea it might is hot.”
“Okay, I can work with that. That doesn’t mean I’m trying to get us caught just make it seem that way sometimes. You good with that?”
“I think so.”
“Anything else you want to tell me about?”
She was quiet at first, but then, slowly began to talk. They talked about things they liked and ideas that did nothing for them. After a while she rolled onto her side to face him. They lay facing each other, talking until Caden couldn’t hold back a yawn any longer.
“We should get some sleep,” Olivia said. She glanced at the clock on the night stand behind him. “It’s nearly two a.m. and we both have to work tomorrow.”
“That would be smart.” He leaned close to give her a quick kiss on the lips, then sat up. “Let me use the restroom then we can get into bed instead of laying on top of it.”
The bedroom door smacking the dresser and bouncing back toward the framework. Caden’s arm tightened around Olivia as he prepared to jump over her and defend her from whoever had just burst into the room.
“What is this your brother is telling me about you dating one of those damned Kings of Destruction?” a woman stood in the doorway her hands on her hips as she glared at Olivia.
It took Caden a moment to recognize her as the mother of the bride from the wedding a few days earlier. Instead of a dress, she wore a city police department uniform, her hair was pulled up into a ponytail behind her head and while she wore makeup, it was far different from the last time he’d seen her.
Olivia groaned and leaned up.
“Mom? What are you doing here?”
“Trying to get some answers. Get up and come talk to me. Put some clothes on first.” Her gaze flicked to Caden, then narrowed. “I met you, didn’t I?”
“Yes, ma’am. A couple of nights ago.”
“You were her date to the wedding.”