Page 22 of Caden
Turning on the screen she found she’d missed an incoming text. She wasn’t sure if it was while she’d been driving, while daydreaming, or when she’d left the phone to start the water in the tub, not that it mattered. Checking, she found the message was from Caden.
Caden: What are you up to tonight?
Caden: hope I didn’t wake you.
Olivia flexed her shoulders, listening as the joints popped. She sighed at how much more her muscles could relax now while she tried to find the right words to send back to him.
Olivia: You didn’t wake me. I just got home and I’m taking a bath.
Olivia: What are you up to?
She didn’t think he’d reply right away, and even if he did, she hated watching those dancing dots as someone typed a message, so she navigated over to her favorite social media and scrolled, leaving comments and hearts here and there as the heat soaked into her muscles letting the ache wash away.
Caden: Just got home from work. I’m going to unwind a bit then get some sleep. Somehow, I didn’t manage to get much last night.
Olivia couldn’t help the pleased smile that crossed her face, she knew just how to respond to that.
Olivia: I guess that means you don’t want to come over and crash here then?
Olivia: Probably for the best. I could use some sleep too and you and your body are just too tempting for words.
She didn’t have long to wait before another text dinged into her inbox then another.
Caden: You really want me to come over?
Caden: I thought you would want a break from me.
Caden: But I can be there in five minutes if you’re serious.
She didn’t even have to think about it. She typed up her reply, then bent and pulled the plug.
Olivia: I’ll be waiting.
Olivia: I’m not bothering with clothes.
Her time was limited so she didn’t wait for the water to drain like she usually did, instead she stood and climbed out, still dripping. She reached for a towel and wrapped it around her body while she let her hair down, then rubbed the last of the water from her skin. She’d just sprayed on a bit of scented body spray when a knock sounded on the front door.
Caden didn’t bother changing out of his work clothes. Instead, he grabbed both clean regular clothes and a clean uniform, shoved them in a small duffle bag and took off. He couldn’t believe she actually wanted to see him again, but that last message about no clothes had lit a fire under his ass and left him half hard.
By the time he knocked on her door, there was no half hard to it. The door opened, but she was nowhere in sight. He frowned but stepped inside. As soon as he’d cleared the door it swung shut, revealing her where she’d stood beside it, not a stitch on.
He was barely aware of his bag hitting the floor as he snaked an arm around her middle, pulled her close and covered her mouth with a kiss. He poured everything he felt into that kiss, all the want, all the need, all the fire he felt for her.
She seemed to respond with just as much heat as he felt. Her hands tugged and pulled at his clothes, wanting as free of access to his body as he had to hers. But he didn’t give in and strip for her, not yet. Instead, he swept her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. He had a few things in mind, ideas that had been tormenting his mind and body all day long, and now was the perfect time to see what she thought of them.
“So I guess you were interested in coming over after all,” Olivia said still lying boneless and relaxed on the bed next to where Caden lay.
He couldn’t help the chuckle that rolled through him. He hadn’t thought he could move, at least not yet. It appeared he was wrong.
“Yeah, I can’t say there will ever be a time I’d say no to an offer like that one. Especially after you threw in the bit about not bothering with clothes. Do you know how hard it is to ride a motorcycle with an erection?”
“Not at all. But it sounds like an interesting thing to try.”
He could hear the amusement in her tone.
“Not if we want to survive the ride. However, if you’re wanting to try sex on the bike, that can be arranged…. Just not while it’s moving.”