Page 20 of Daddy's Pretty Baby
I groaned, dick going stiff once more. Because yeah, we’d supposedly enjoyed the movie together last night. But more accurately, Melissa had watched Frozen, her head in my lap as the movie flickered on screen, alternately licking and sucking my balls, giving me head again and again. Fuck I must have had five orgasms last night as the characters whirled on TV, dancing and singing, who the fuck knew what the plot was. All I knew was that I’d blasted repeatedly, my best girl’s mouth hot on my dick, vacuuming semen from me, one thick milkshake after another. Oh yeah, movie nights are big at Valley Pine, real big.
But we could watch movies anytime, that was no big deal. In fact, we could even watch on the Concord, I was chartering a private flight so it’d just be me and my girl, fucking the whole way if we wanted, making good use of the private cabin. The Magic Kingdom was coming, and I chucked Melly under the chin again.
“We’re gonna leave tomorrow honey,” I rumbled. “Do you think you can pack by yourself? Or do you want Daddy to help?”
She sat back, flushed, still stunned from the prospect of a trip to Orlando.
“I can pack myself Daddy,” she whispered, brown eyes wide. “I can do it.”
And I nodded approvingly, leaning over to give her a kiss, tasting the unmistakable mixture of chicken and semen on her lips. Fuck, it was so delicious, I almost threw her over my shoulder again, ready for another sex session. But right, discipline. I needed to get discipline, I was the Daddy, I needed to lead by example. So I sat back, restraining myself.
“Good,” I rumbled. “Then we’ll leave first thing tomorrow honey. Are you ready for a good time?”
And the brunette turned to me, brown eyes wide.
“Yes, Daddy, yes,” she breathed. And it was a promise, an invitation, a forever rolled all into one. Because this was my little girl … and no matter what happened, Melly would always be mine.