Page 21 of Daddy's Pretty Baby
It’s like I’m living in an alternate universe, life is so unreal. I don’t know what’s happened to the old Melissa, but it’s almost like she’s never existed now. These last two months, I’ve become Melly from the inside out, inhabiting her skin non-stop.
And it’s been easier and better than I thought. At first, I expected the worst. I really thought I’d be embarrassed as hell, embarrassed to be seen in public in little girl dresses with frilly white socks, a huge bow in my air. I’d been so reluctant initially that I’d seriously considered trying to pass it off as the next hipster fashion, I was wearing these outfits in an “ironic” way.
But instead, it’s turned out okay. I feel okay going out in the pink frills, I feel okay eating kid food, drinking milk and orange juice, no alcohol in sight. So long as everything is served with a squirt of Mr. Lancaster’s cum, then I’m good to go.
And Robert himself has been surprising. Most littles have a relationship with their Daddy that’s strictly limited. Most littles just watch movies and play Chinese Checkers, without doing too much talking. But with Mr. Lancaster, it’s different. He wants to know me, he wants to know about me, what makes me tick, what makes me happy, even if it’s all within the confines of our lifestyle.
Take last week for example. We’d been having a lazy night in, playing Connect Four, Mr. Lancaster with a glass of bourbon at his elbow, me with a mug of warm milk shot with cum. Oh yeah, I love the bubbly, it’s the source of my nutrients, it fortifies everything I drink these days. I’d watched with pleasure as Daddy had milked himself, blasting into my mug before finishing in my mouth, letting me drink straight from the source. Mmm, my pussy gushed as I lapped at his cock, the tip dipping with the stuff of life. Oh fuck, oh fuck, my sweet lips parted as I looked up at him, silently begging for more.
But it was game night tonight, and Daddy admonished me.
“Honey didn’t you want to play Connect Four? I thought that was your special thing.”
I stopped licking for a moment. Hmm, Connect Four or licking my Daddy’s cock? Both were good but Daddy had promised to let me win tonight, so it was a tough choice. Scrambling to sit up, I’d smacked my lips together, wiping the back of my mouth with my hand
“You’re right Daddy, I’m red tonight!” I called out quickly. “You’re black!”
And Robert just chuckled deep in his throat, lazily leaning back, getting comfortable, adjusting that huge cock. But no, he didn’t put it back in his pants, his penis lay out, huge, glistening with my saliva, a giant hose dormant against his thigh.
“Daddy you have to put it back in!” I squealed. “It’s distracting me, I won’t be able to focus!”
He merely took another sip of bourbon, blue eyes eating me up.
“No worries honey, why don’t you pull your panties to the side and we’ll call it even? Distract Daddy a little bit, honey, one for one.”
And I giggled. Mr. Lancaster was so smart, why hadn’t I thought of that? So sitting on the couch with the game between us, I got comfortable. Slowly, I inched my white nightgown up until my panties were showing and sensuously rubbed my clit, making sure Daddy was watching.
“Mmm,” I moaned, eyes closed, lips pouting. “Mmm.”
And making sure his eyes were glued to my twat, with one small finger I swept the fabric of my crotch to the side, my gleaming pink pussy coming into full view.
“Look, it’s saying hello!” I squealed, shifting my thighs so he could see, the creamy white vee parting to reveal more of my hot pink insides. Because sure enough my clit was stiff already, the nub visible between my labia and slowly I pulled my nether lips open, letting Daddy look right up into me. “See, my clit’s waving to you!” I huffed again.
Daddy was mesmerized for sure, eyes glued to my twat, dick jerking against his leg, slowly but surely lifting a bit, getting hard, even leaking a little. Mmm, this was the way to distract Daddy, I was going to win tonight for sure!
But Mr. Lancaster was taking no prisoners, and with sure hands, he dropped a disk into its slot.
“Ooh!” I squealed. “You blocked me Daddy, why did you do that?”
The big man just chuckled, cock huge. His member was rock solid now, the giant snake glistening wetly under the living room lights, liquid pooling at the tip. Oh god, I wanted it, I wanted it in my snatch, but Daddy had promised to let me win tonight and I wasn’t missing the opportunity.
Robert just laughed at me, a gleam in his eye.
“Just saw the opening, baby girl,” he rumbled. “Now you go.”
And I bit my lip because what next? Mr. Lancaster was so good at games, he was so good at strategy, at faking me out. How could I possibly win this match? So I smiled coyly at him once more.
“But you’re supposed to let me win, Mr. Lancaster, I’m your pretty pet,” I murmured, licking my lips lasciviously before taking a red disk in my hand. But instead of slotting it into the board, instead I licked it once, twice, before rolling it down my body and rubbing it against my puss. Mmm, it felt good! The hard plastic edge was exactly what I needed, the shallow grooves teasing my clit slightly. And with another sly smile, I pushed that little red disk right into my pussy, plastic disappearing within the pink folds of my cunt.
“Oh, Daddy, did I win?” I asked coyly. “Did I Connect Four?”
He growled then, deep in his throat, making me feel shuddery and warm, my pussy pulsing around the disc.
“Fuck baby, fuck,” he ground out, dicktip leaking now non-stop. “You win honey, Daddy gives up.” And I giggled because that’s the truth of the matter. I have Robert wrapped around my little finger, the big man does what I want, and we both know it. We both know he loves me, absolutely adores me, and I giggled once more, slowly pulling my nether lips open to show him the red disk inside before pushing a finger in and fishing it out. Ooh, the puzzle piece was covered in goo, my cunt juice dripping wetly off the disc.