Page 39 of Daddy's Pretty Baby
“You’re going to pay her to go away?” she said disbelievingly. “You’re going to pay money for someone to do nothing?”
And reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my phone, tapping a few buttons, before looking back at Melissa.
“That’s right, it’s all done,” I said as casually as I could manage. God it was hard focusing with that tight ass still gripping me, but this was the most important conversation of my life and I couldn’t afford to fuck it up. “I told Angela to cancel the meeting as soon as I found out, but yeah, now this stranger’s getting an extra five thousand for doing absolutely nothing.”
And now, Melly’s jaw dropped.
“Why would you do that?” she whispered, still disbelieving. “Why?”
I was smooth, my face giving nothing away as I searched her eyes.
“Why do you think?”
And she bit her lip before looking down.
“I don’t know, Robert,” she said in a defeated voice. “I really don’t know.”
This time I was gentle as I tilted her chin to me.
“Take a guess,” I invited. “Take a guess why Daddy’s here, why you’re sitting in my lap, why I’ve canceled the next little, and even paid her to go away. Take a wild guess.”
Melly’s eyes met mine then, tentative, slightly glassy from a sheen of tears.
“It’s because you care about me, right? You came to the hostel to find me, you came to rescue me, right?”
And I nodded, rubbing her back, taking those full lips with mine for the first time, slowly sharing a kiss. It was so sweet, this girl was sugar mixed with spice, true love mixed with bones-deep sensuality. Even now, with her ass clenched around my dick, it was incredible that our lips met with real meaning, heat sparking between us that spoke to the emotional, the deep current of feeling binding us together.
“Yes baby,” I ground out, “Daddy loves you, so Daddy had to come back for you. You know that, don’t you baby girl? You know that Daddy loves you above all else? More than anyone else?”
And a small bit of hope welled in her eyes then, the caramel pools turned towards me beseechingly, like she almost couldn’t believe the words.
“You do?” she asked, lips quivering, voice slightly shaky. “You love me?”
And I nodded solemnly, bending to kiss her once more.
“Absolutely baby girl, I, Robert, love Melissa, forever and ever, until death do us part, the whole shebang. Now tell me honey, why did you run last night? Why did you tear out of Valley Pine like your hair was on fire?”
And this time, Melly was able to answer, the words came easier now.
“Daddy, I couldn’t take it,” she said in a low voice. “When I thought you were done with me, that another girl was coming to take my place, I just couldn’t stay any longer. I had to go.”
“But what was so terrible about another girl?” I coaxed. “Our contract was going to be over anyways.”
And that made the brunette look up once more, eyes blazing.
“The contract,” she snapped. “I’m through with those,” she warned. “There’s no contract that’s ever going to bind me again,” she said vehemently.
I laughed, because I had one more contract in mind, a marriage contract in fact. But this wasn’t the time because I needed to hear the admission of her love. I wanted to hear Melly say it, that she’d left me because she loved me, unable to bear the image of me with another woman.
“Say it, little girl,” I coaxed once more. “Say it,” I commanded, this time not so nice.
And the brunette gulped before lifting her head, looking me square in the eye once more.
“Mr. Lancaster,” she said clearly, words enunciated. “I left Valley Pine in a rush because I love you. And I couldn’t stand the thought that you didn’t love me back, so I tore out of there asap, I booked my own car and got out of there because my heart was breaking, and I didn’t want you to know. So there you have it,” she said taking a deep breath, her lungs expanding. “There you have it.”
And I nuzzled her neck then, licking up that sensuous curve slowly.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” I ground out. “That didn’t seem so painful.”