Page 40 of Daddy's Pretty Baby
She gasped, body shivering, unable to resist my call.
“No, it wasn’t bad,” she admitted. “It felt … good, in fact,” she added softly, shooting me a small smile.
And I kissed her again, this time imbuing it with everything I felt, everything I wanted her to have. Because this was my woman, my girl, my little, and Melly meant the world to me, and I to her. I wanted to be clear about that fact, no more mistakes with documents, with other females, with unexpected midnight escapes. She was going to stay with me forever if I had my way, bound by love this time, and not a contract.
“Melissa,” I said, this time serious. “It felt good because we love each other, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re two adults in love, and even if we subscribe to an alternative lifestyle, it doesn’t mean that the feeling is less, incomplete, or unwhole. All it means is that we’re two adults loving fully, truly, in our particular way.”
And Melissa bit her lip then.
“But what’s with the little girl lifestyle?” she asked in a tiny voice. “Do I do that all the time? If I move back to Valley Pine, do I become Melly full-time, Melissa disappears for good?”
And I eyed her then.
“You seemed to like it a lot, in fact, you really enjoyed it from what I recall,” I said pointedly. “Is there something you want to change?”
The brunette thought for a moment before seizing my eyes once more, speaking the truth from her heart.
“I don’t mind Daddy Dom / little girl play,” she acknowledged. “But not all the time. There’s another me inside, Melissa not Melly, the grown-up me, and sometimes I just want to be Melissa. Sometimes I want to pursue my art, sometimes I want to get coffee at a café without wearing a princess dress. Sometimes I want to go on the adult rides at Disneyworld, and not just MadTeacups and It’s a Small World. Not that It’s a Small World is bad,” she added hastily, cheeks coloring, because of course that’s where she’d lost her anal cherry. “It’s just maybe sometimes I want to go on Splash Mountain or the Matterhorn, you know, rides for grown-ups,” she explained.
And I leaned in to drop a kiss on her nose then.
“Of course baby,” I rumbled. “I get it. It’s fucking exhausting to be Melly all the time, and there’s plenty of room for Melissa. We’ll work something out, I promise. Because I’ve fallen in love with Melissa, the bright, fiery young woman, in addition to Melly, and I want you both. I want everything you have to offer, all sides of you, even when you grow old. Have you thought about that? Have you thought about how Melly or Melissa might change as you age, as you move through the stages of life, maybe even becoming Mrs. Lancaster?”
And it wasn’t the most graceful proposal because I wasn’t on bended knee with a ring in a box. But I meant it from the heart because I wanted this girl for keeps, and marriage was the ultimate contract. I needed Melissa to say yes. I desperately wanted her to say yes, and a ball of panic rose in my throat as the seconds ticked by with no response, my pulse blipping nervously. Shit, I was supposed to be the alpha male, and yet this little girl had me wrapped around her finger, Melly Carlson had Rob Lancaster on his knees figuratively, if not literally at the moment.
And she looked at me with a wavery smile then, brown eyes filled with tears.
“Are you really asking?” she said, voice low. “Because if you are, then the answer’s yes.”
And I seized her mouth then, pressing that curvy body to me, marking the girl with my lips. Because yes, this was the right answer. Melly becoming Mrs. Robert Lancaster was absolutely a fitting end to our adventure together. We’d started out with a three-month contract, a girl’s promise to let me use her body, to be my little girl for a pre-defined amount of time in exchange for money. But the transaction had blossomed into something else, into something much more magical, beyond what mere words could capture. Because yes, Melly and I had fallen in love, and now we were entering into the next phase, we were entering into a different world where we would walk together, two halves of a whole, partners in addition to a Daddy and a little girl. A different kind of contract called marriage was in the future, and this time, we would belong to each other forever.