Page 52 of The Proposition
He rumbled with silent laughter, vibrating through his chest and into mine. I gazed down at his body; the dark red nipple, his nest of reddish chest hair, and the bulging pecs and abdominal muscles underneath. I reached out a finger and traced the lines of his abs, up and down and then up again.
“I still haven’t heard any ground rules,” I said into the fold of his arm. We were so close to each other that a whisper was perfect. “When I first agreed to it, I was imagining a sign-up sheet or something.”
“Like a library book?”
“Exactly like a library book.”
Ryan moved his hand across my back, gently caressing my skin. It made me tingle, but felt really good.
“What library book would you be?” he asked.
“Umm. Anna Karenina, due to her dubious sexual nature.”
Ryan snorted. “A little high-brow, don’t ya think?”
I smiled into his bicep. “Surely someone from the Canadian school system would have read Tolstoy.”
“We did, but it was War and Peace instead.”
“Yikes. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Ryan said. I could hear the smile in his voice. “I read the Cliff’s Notes version and passed.”
“I’m a firm believer in focusing my efforts where they matter, rather than on useless shit.”
“Literature isn’t useless! You can’t just skip everything and read the ending. You miss the journey.”
“If you say so.”
“Back to my original question. What are the ground rules for everything?”
He shrugged, which caused my head to bob with him. “We decided to keep it casual. We’re new at this too, you know. We can figure it out as we go. No real ground rules to start.”
I rolled up onto his chest and peered down into his face. “Except no kissing.”
He smiled up at me. “Right.”
I leaned down, bringing my lips dangerously close to his. I could smell his sweet breath mingling with mine, and the soft wind of air as he exhaled from his nose on my skin. I parted my lips, and he did the same as I drew closer…
…And then pulled back, patting his chest.
“What about bedroom activity?” I asked.
“What about it?”
“Should we have a list of stuff we’re into? What we won’t do? Do we need a safe word?”
“Relax, babe,” he said, folding his hands behind his head. His biceps were enormous. “We can figure that out as we go, too. I’m not going to, like, stick a finger in your ass without a warning.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Sometimes it’s fun without a warning.”
The surprise on his face filled me with happiness. “Is that so?” he asked.
“Maaaaaaybe.” I patted his chest. “Alright. Time for you to go.”
He pushed up onto an elbow. “Wam, bam, thank you Sam?”