Page 53 of The Proposition
“Being fuck-buddies means keeping cuddling to a minimum, in my opinion. Unless you want to expand our arrangement to being cuddle-buddies, too.”
Ryan looked slightly disappointed, but he covered it with a wide smile. “Makes sense.”
He took his time sliding out of bed, then stretching his chiseled arms to the sky. He was a marvelous specimen of a man from behind; bulging thighs, a tight little ass, and then a V-shaped torso of rippling layers of muscle. I let out a low whistle, just loud enough for him to hear.
He gave me a sly look over his shoulder, then took his time strutting around the room to gather the clothes that had been discarded. Rather than dressing in here, he carried them to the door fully nude.
“See ya next time, babe.”
I couldn’t wipe the silly grin off my face as he exited and closed the door.
I slept deeply and wonderfully, and dreamed of all the dirty things I wanted to do with Ryan the next time we got together. But I was a little disappointed that I wasn’t waking up with his gorgeous body wrapped around mine. I sighed, stretched in my comfortable bed, and then got ready for the day.
After my shower I put on the same clothes for the third day in a row. I was glad I’d stashed fresh panties in my purse, but I was beginning to stretch the limits of how long my black slacks could be worn before I started feeling dirty. Fortunately, Braden was helping me move my stuff over today.
I still felt giddy after last night. The only thing better than good sex was great sex, and it was great with Ryan. Sure, it was a sample size of one, but I had a feeling it would be top-notch every time. Ryan had an intensity and hunger that I’d never seen before.
That was the really great thing about having a no-strings-attached fuck-buddy: you could try new things and be blunt about what you wanted in bed, without any of the uncomfortableness or judgement. It was freeing. Just two people using each other’s bodies in a simple, primal way.
And I had some dirty things I wanted to try with him that I wouldn’t have risked on any other random date. I couldn’t wait to see if he was into the same sort of stuff.
Between Ryan and Dorian, two out of four aspects of their proposition were great so far.
Ryan’s door was closed. Some morning sex sounded fantastic right about now, but I wasn’t sure if he was a morning person. Something to ask him later. Most guys didn’t mind getting woken with a morning blowjob, though. Maybe I would give that a try another time.
I went downstairs to make coffee, confident that I was the first person awake after all the drinking they had done last night. But Braden was already waiting for me.
“Morning, beautiful,” he said with a big smile. He reached behind him to the coffee maker, which gurgled and hissed as it finished a new cup. He handed it to me and sipped his own cup.
“Morning, handsome,” I said right back to him as I accepted the coffee. He was wearing nice slacks and a tapered polo shirt that hugged his frame and accentuated his biceps, straining against the sleeves. “I thought I’d beat the rest of you drunkards to the coffee this morning.”
“I didn’t drink nearly as much as Andy or Dorian,” he said. “Besides, it takes a lot to give me a hangover. It’s my shitty superpower.”
“Nothing shitty about that.”
He leaned against the counter. “You look well-rested.”
I blinked. Did his comment mean anything? Ryan said the walls were thick, but I had come harder than I’d expected. A girl couldn’t be blamed for making a lot of noise.
“The mattress is a lot more comfortable than the one I’m used to,” I said. “And it doesn’t smell like Ukrainian sweat.”
Braden tilted his head. “Ukrainian sweat?”
“Long story.”
“For that matter,” he added, “what does Ukrainian sweat even smell like?”
I sipped the delicious coffee. “Like beets.”
We took our time drinking coffee, and then headed out on the train to Queens. It was still early, and the train was mostly deserted. Few people were commuting in this direction this early in the morning.
“How late did you and Ryan stay up after us?” Braden asked after a while.
I tried to keep my voice level as I replied. “Oh, maybe half an hour. We played some never have I ever to get to know one another.”