Page 45 of Impossible Rapids
“Get within two feet of her and it’ll be the last breath you take,” Shawn hurled back at him.
The men on the boat all looked a little shocked by that.
They outpaced them and reached camp within the hour.
Not caring about the cameras or if Shawn’s bodyguards were captured on film, they all worked together to set up camp with the tents and supplies left for them against a rocky outcropping that was a ‘defensible position’ in Cash’s words. Hays and Paul both agreed. The rock face went straight down into the water and towered about thirty feet straight up, even above the steep mountainside.
The eight men arrived and didn’t say anything to them as they set up their camp for the night almost as far away as they could on the football field length stretch of flat land next to the water before it sloped steeply up the tree-covered mountain.
Julie tried not to look at the men, but every time she did, Pierce was staring at her and would wink or obnoxiously lick his lips or pump his eyebrows at her.
“Don’t worry,” Shawn said, sliding his arm around her waist his larger palm cupping her hip and waistline. “I’ll keep you safe.”
“I’m not worried,” she said, looking up into his blue eyes and loving the feel of his arm holding her close to his side.
“Good.” He directed her toward the campfire and dinner. They sat and ate, nobody talking much. Cash and Brylee had set up cameras to record, but it wouldn’t be very exciting footage.
After dinner, they brushed their teeth and washed up in the river. Then Shawn directed Julie to a tent in the middle of the small grouping. “We don’t have nearly enough tents set up,” she said.
Shawn looked sharply at her. “You and I are going to stay together, with Cash and Brylee next to us. Hays, Paul, Brett, and Theo will rotate the watch. Cash and I offered, but they keep insisting I pay them to be bodyguards and they’ve done no ‘real work’ on this trip.” He smiled at that. “And Hays would rather have me right with you and Cash right with Brylee in case something does happen.” His smile disappeared.
“Do you think something will happen?” she asked.
He shook his head, but his eyes weren’t very convincing. “The French accent is suspicious, but their actions so far fit with a group of men out trying to prove they could row faster or they’re tougher than us. When I threatened Pierce, they all acted shocked. They aren’t a group of escaped convicts like Paul, Jagger, and Hays dealt with on Kauai.” He smiled again. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
He nodded to Hays and Brett, who appeared to be taking the first watch, and unzipped the tent, waiting for her to duck inside. There were two sleeping bags and mats inside, but they were pressed together. It was a small space to share with someone as large as Shawn. She gulped, and the nerves she felt had very little to do with eight unfriendly men camping down the beach.
Bending, she eased into the tent, slipping off her unlaced shoes outside and crawling to the sleeping bag farther away from the opening. They’d set the tents up flush with the rock wall. The men would have to be Spiderman to come around behind them, or rather on top of them. It all seemed like overkill, especially Shawn staying in the tent with her.
“Thanks, Hays, Brett,” Shawn said.
“I’d miss sleep anytime for you two,” Hays said back.
Shawn laughed and Julie smiled. He climbed into the tent, turning in a hunched-over position and zipping it tight.
Julie stretched out on the sleeping bag as Shawn slid a pistol out of his waistband and an extra gun clip out of his pocket. He set both close to the tent door. He lay on his back and looked like he tried to stretch out, but his extra foot of height wasn’t doing him any favors.
“It’s not quite big enough,” Julie said, laughing.
“It is a problem. I’ll look forward to sleeping in my bed tomorrow night.”
“Ah, me too. And a bubble bath before.”
Shawn swallowed and didn’t say anything for a moment. Then he murmured, “I don’t know how to stop thinking about that now.”
“Shawn.” She laughed and rolled to face him. She pushed at his shoulder, reminiscent of when they used to laugh and tease as friends.
He chuckled with her and rolled on his side to face her. They were far too close. She could smell his minty breath. If only he’d brought his Fico di Amalfi cologne, but that just gave her something else to look forward to when they got home.
The tent felt warm, a contrast to the plummeting temperature outside. She could hear the murmur of voices from Cash and Brylee’s tent but couldn’t distinguish what they were saying.
She and Shawn were finally alone. No cameras. If she asked, would he tell her if they had any hope of a future? Not now. She knew he needed to heal from Mercedes, and she wouldn’t push him, but someday?
Sorry, friend. I keep moving in on your man.
He’s not my man, Mercedes happily replied in her head. He’s yours.
Julie’s heart beat out of control. She knew Mercedes wasn’t really speaking to her, but she could hear her friend’s voice so clearly in her head.