Page 61 of Lycan Rejected
That is why the fucker did all of this. He wanted me out of the way to kill my father, take over as many packs as he could to amass so much power he could beat Fenry, claim me to add to his power to ensure that he would have more than enough power, kill Fenry, and then rule the Lycan kingdom. This fucker had a plan from the moment he met me. That is why he led me to believe he would claim me! It was a false pretense to win my trust before fucking up my life!
The pyres were all built, and the bodies were laid out, waiting for the flames to burn through the wood and set them ablaze. Remy found herself growling as the scent of burning flesh hit her nose. None of these people deserved to be killed the way they were, and now their families are laying them to rest.
I will make Levi pay for this, Remy told herself as she watched the families of the fallen on their knees and sobbing in front of the pyres.
Her parents were to do their Alpha duties and console the pack members while they mourned. Remy was to join them, but she couldn't move her feet. Her heart was broken for the family members, and she felt it was her fault. If she had killed Levi after recognizing him as the one who left her for dead, these lives may have been spared. If she had reached out to Kaida sooner, maybe the Dark Dimension's hold would have been broken on everyone it infected, and none of the lives that were taken since her return would have happened.
She felt his presence linger behind her for a few minutes before Remy sighed, growled, and turned around. Kodi was standing with his hands in his pockets. He always did it when he had a lot on his mind. Deep feelings of betrayal bubbled inside her as she stared at her brother. He had been alive all this time and never thought to tell her or his family that he survived. The thought of punching him in his lying face crossed her mind. Her body reacted before she could think it through. Kodi caught her hand, spun her around, put his arms around her, and held her with her back against his chest.
"I KNOW!" he growled into her ear. "I fucked up. I should have told you I was alive."
Remy leaned her head forward and slammed it backward. Kodi anticipated it and moved himself out of the way, so the back of her head just hit his chest instead. When that didn't work, she tried to stomp on his ankles, and Kodi moved, evaded her blows, and pushed her forward as he let her go. She caught herself before her momentum caused her to fall into the mourning families. She charged at him again, this time missing him entirely.
Ugh, I forgot how good he was at fighting.
Kodi taught Remy how to fight. He never wanted her to be at the mercy of a man or a crazed female, so he taught her from a young age. The standard in their pack was to start training around puberty. It was so the kids could live a carefree life for a while before having to throw light training into the mix, then more hard-core training throughout their teens and then adulthood.
Turning her body as fast as she could, Remy swung her fist, only missing Kodi by an inch. He pushed out his Alpha power, hitting Remy like a wave, but just like a wave that only had ankle-deep water, it washed over her but didn't make her submit. She was still tied to more Lycans than him, so he didn't equate to her power. Remy smirked, pulled on her own power, and let it loose. Kodi stumbled when the wave of her power struck him. The strain on his face and the sweat on his brow told Remy he was using all his strength to keep himself upright. Remy's Lycan gained interest, and she could feel her presence add to the power. She knew her eyes were glowing, making Kodi grimace.
"Jeez. When did you get this powerful? I haven't been gone that long."
"Right after you left."
Kodi shook his head with a smile on his face. He dropped his power and looked at her. Remy kept her power going for a moment longer. She felt the rest of the pack looking at them but didn't care. She wanted Kodi to tell her why he stayed away from them. She could've had her brother home this entire time, but he didn't tell them.
"Why? I need to know why," she told him.
Kodi frowned and bowed his head. "After I realized Morgana's influence had faded, I didn't think it would be wise for me to return home. Lycans aren't the forgiving type. I didn't come home at first because I was enthralled by her. Then, when I could, I figured you all had moved on."
Remy stepped forward until the distance was closed and put her hand on his shoulder. He didn't move, not even to look at her. Kodi felt ashamed for not returning home. The scent of his shame came off him right after, confirming her thoughts. He hated himself for not coming home or telling his family he was alive. Remy wasn't sure why she started this argument.
"You thought we would move on from your death? Are those your thoughts or the ones she put into your head?"
The look he gave her was telling. She hit the nail right on the head.
"Kodi, I-"
A howl in the distance broke her focus. She turned in the direction where the howl came from, and Kodi followed her gaze. In the tree line, there were dozens of Lycans standing in a row. Remy's stomach dropped at the sight of them.
Oh, my gods... There is another wave of this shit!
Another howl from the one in the middle of the line broke the silence that fell through their territory. No one was ready for this. None of them had eaten or gotten much rest. If they could survive this wave, Remy wasn't sure how many would still be standing.
There was no time before the leader of the Lycans came sprinting toward them. Without the time to shift into their Lycans, Remy was the only one battle-ready with the ability to shift as fast as she could. She shifted to her four-legged form and ran toward the leader. If this was Levi, she wanted to battle him head-on, right here and right now. The closer she got to him, the more she was disappointed. It wasn't Levi, but the Lycans charging toward her pack smelled like him.
This asshole thinks he will win. I need to show him just how wrong he is.
Remy leaped at the same time the ringleader of this hunt did, their bodies colliding in mid-air. His arms had more leverage, but Remy was faster with her movements. He tucked her close to his chest as they fell to the ground. Remy scratched the length of his torso with her back claws. She felt blood run down her paws before she rolled off him and gained her footing. Before the Lycan got to his feet, she looked to where her family was and sighed quickly, seeing them in their Lycan forms. The remnants of them pulling on pack magic to change quickly spread through her bonds, not feeling them before as she was in battle.
Now, the Lycan got to his feet and lunged. Remy jumped to the side in time and lunged herself to wrap her jaws around her opponent's left ankle. The sickening crunch of its bones rang in her ears before she let go. The Lycan went down onto its fours, giving Remy the leverage to jump on its back. She snapped her jaws to squeeze the life out of his neck, but the Lycan rolled to flip her off. Remy hit the ground, and the wind knocked out of her lungs. As she gasped for air, the Lycan jumped on top of her. Remy shifted to her Lycan and swiped at his face, managing to rip into his eye. The Lycan howled at the pain, allowing her to swipe at its neck while it was bared toward the sky. Blood rained down on her, but she ignored it. This Lycan could heal these wounds fast while the thrill of the hunt was in the pack bonds. She swiped again with her other hand, making the wound deeper than before, and the blood now poured out of the wound. At the rate it was going, the Lycan would bleed out. It fell to the side, too weak to make another move against her.
Is Levi sending his weak first to wear us down?
Even though Remy felt her judgment was correct about Levi sending his weaker Lycans before showing up himself, the fight was long from over. There were more Lycans this time than last, which was hard enough to face. Remy shifted back to her four-legged form and sprinted toward her pack to give them a helping hand.
Quickly, it became apparent that this was going to be a rough battle. In some cases, two were facing off with one of her pack members. It was more one-on-one, but the stronger Lycans of the pack were battling more than they could handle. Kodi was facing two at once, but he could keep up with them. He was matted with blood, but he did not appear to have that many wounds. Bryan was fighting three, Lykos was fighting four, but Tala jumped in where she could with Lykos as she fought a single Lycan.
He is underestimating the females. What a dumbass.