Page 62 of Lycan Rejected
Remy tackled one Lycan who was fighting with her father. She took it to the ground and bit its throat. It was too distracted by her sudden hit to fight back until she ripped a piece from his neck. He backhanded her, making her dazed for a moment before it tried to swipe at her. Remy rolled away and heard her father whine. She turned to check on him. He was on the ground with a Lycan on top of him, but her mother ripped the Lycan away before it could do any damage. That's when she felt the claws rake against her side. Remy howled in pain and felt the blood run down her fur. She turned to the Lycan and snarled. It stood a few feet away from her, taking her in. It leaned its head back and took a whiff of the air. It was to take in if she was male or female. When it realized she was a female, it charged toward Lykos.
Oh no you don't, furball!
Remy collided with its body, taking it to the ground again. This time, she shifted into her Lycan form and started swinging her claws left and right at its throat.
This. Is. What. You. Get. For. Under. Esta. Mating. A. Girl.
Once she heard it gargling on its own blood, Remy moved on. Lykos was managing a one-on-one, so Remy surveyed the grounds. Bodies were once again littered throughout her pack's territory, many of them pack members. Only some were in the other packs. They were winning this fight.
Fuck. How can I turn the tables?
A chuckle rang in her mind, making Remy growl at first until she heard his voice.
The calvary is here, Sweetcheeks.
Chapter twenty-nine
Relief spread through Remy as her mate's voice told her he was there to save her. Dozens of Lycans rushed in from all sides and immediately jumped into battle with the enemy opponents still standing and those that had just joined in from Levi's newcomers.
Hell yeah! That's what I am talking about!
Remy jumped into action and rushed toward a brown and gray Lycan charging into the heat of the battle. It was a fury of claws and teeth as she swiped at the Lycan’s neck. It moved in time, but she lunged forward and knocked the Lycan to the ground. The neck was bare in this position, and she swiped at it until she saw bone.
Who's next?
From the looks of it, the battle balance was turning to a win. Remy had to breathe in the air before she charged at an opponent to know if it was a friend or foe. When she smelled cedar, she attacked. The last one was quite large and knew more about fighting than the other Lycans she had faced. Every time she jumped toward him or swiped at him, he ducked and lunged at her. It became a dance between them for quite a while. The difference was she knew how to fight better than the people he was used to facing. Remy noticed how the Lycan moved, and he seemed to have the same three moves. Lunge and swipe with his right, then his left, and then he would go for the neck. He repeated this pattern until Remy had it down pat. She evaded the first two strikes, and when he swiped low, she swiped down at his shoulder. Fur and flesh flew off him, and his blood spilled down his chest. He did not expect her to land a blow and paused to take in her movement. With the pause, Remy swiped with her left, knowing he would duck, and she came upward with her claws and got him in the bottom of his snout. She sank her claws through the top and yanked downward to release them. The Lycan didn't move as it tried to think through this moment to get her back. Remy dived into his chest and knocked him to the ground. He used the momentum to roll her, and she was on her back.
Ugh. Forgot about that move.
The Lycan managed to lock her arms under its thighs and didn't allow for much movement. Remy shifted into her wolf form and kicked her legs to knock the Lycan off her. Her claws weren't long enough to cut through its fur but still allowed her to escape from under him. It faced her again and lunged. She dodged in time and used her speed to get around to its back. She jumped onto its back and brought him down to the ground. It tried to roll, but Remy grabbed its neck with her jaws. Clenching as tight as she could, Remy felt her canines dig into the bone. She threw her head from side to side, breaking its neck in the process.
When she got off the Lycan's back, she turned to find her next Lycan to fight. A sonic boom radiated through the bonds, and she felt a bond snap. She threw back her head and howled to the moon from the pain inside of her heart. The mournful howls of the pack joined her, and Remy felt her control over her wolf falter. She was on her hands and knees, tears falling from her eyes onto the ground. Her body shook with rage and heartache as the tears continued to fall. Her sobs were heard like an echo before more joined her. Warm arms pulled on her until she was coaxed into a lap. The scent of amber and oak surrounded her, and she laid her head on her mate's shoulder.
He can't be... dead... He can't be...
She lifted her head and surveyed the land until her eyes found what she sought. The black and gray Lycan was laid on the ground, blood coating the grass underneath him. His blue eyes didn't glow in the night anymore. Her mother's silver hair covered her father's chest as her body shook from the sobs. Remy got to her feet and ran to her mother. She dropped to her knees and pulled her mother into a hug. Tala's wails could be heard throughout the area, and the pack slowly circled around them. Remy tried to say something to improve things, but she knew there was nothing she could say to improve this. She hugged her mother tighter as her own tears streaked down her face.
Chase's voice was heard around them, telling the pack members to assemble more pyres and clean up the mess from the battle. Remy couldn't move as her mother mourned the death of her mate in her arms. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of how this could be. Before she entangled herself with the last Lycan, it looked like everyone was doing well with the fight. Her father was still standing. She wasn't sure how any wolf could get the better of him. Lykos was one of the best fighters in the kingdom.
How did he lose?
Chase was now standing over her and her mother. She could feel the uneasiness in their bond. He didn't want to do what he was about to do.
"Rem... We need to put Lykos on his pyre. Is that okay?"
Tala wailed in Remy’s ear again at those words. She hugged her mother tighter again and petted the back of her head. Remy choked as she tried to tell Chase to give them a few more minutes. He must have understood what she wanted through the bonds because he told her he would return and leave them to mourn.
Lykos's body reverted back to its human form. She could see the claw marks at his throat, and down the length of his body, whoever he fought with managed to open up just about every artery they could find on him. Remy growled at the sight of the fatal wounds. She hated that someone was able to best the great Lykos Howell. There was no chance in hell that it was even just one. There had to be at least two of them tag-teaming the Alpha to bring him down.
But that doesn't matter right now.
"Mom, we need to move him."
"Ho-ho-how ca-ca-can this b-b-b-be? How?"
"I wish I knew, Mom," Remy choked.