Page 93 of Caged
A cold chill runs down my back.
It’s gone.
“Damn it!” I yell and jump up.
Ripping off my blouse, then my underwear, I lay them out on the bed and look through them closely.
“I always wanted to see you naked, but not when you’re angry,” Tyler says from the far side of the room.
“Bite me,” I snap at him. I always ignore his creepy comments, he’s all I have left. I’d kill him myself if he ever tried anything.
“It’s gone.” I drag my clothes back over my head as the admission makes my stomach roll.
It must have fallen out when I was fighting with Nikolai.
There’s a chance it might still be in the graveyard. But, I bet it’s almost zero.
“What’s gone?” He’s smart enough to stay where he’s supposed to.
“The USB.” I slump onto the stiff mattress.
I see only one option, I have to get it back.
“Do your thing, Ty. I need you to find the cameras overlooking the cemetery and figure out where he went.”
Like a bee stung him, he jumps up and runs to his laptop. “That I can do.”
While he pecks furiously at his keyboard, I gather up a change of clothes and an arsenal.
Nikolai is bigger and stronger than me.
How many times has he been stabbed in the last couple of weeks and he still keeps going? I don’t think knives work on him.
And I’m all out of kryptonite.
But, when I pull out my pistol, it makes me pause. Do I really want to do that? He had his chance to kill me at the graveyard, but chose a very different path.
My pussy still tingles.
“I got it.” Tyler spins in his chair and throws his hands up. “I’ll text the location to your phone.”
“Okay, get the rest of this stuff packed. We need to go to the next safe house.” I glance around.
There isn’t much here.
A lifetime of jobs, and it’s all condensed to one tiny hotel room.
What the hell am I doing?
I don’t know about the rest of my life, but tonight, I’m getting that drive back, so tomorrow I can save my brother.
Song- CHOKE, The Warning, grandson, Zero 9:36
“Just hit enter.” Enzo sounds exasperated. The delays in the internet speeds in this hotel I know are making him frustrated.