Page 42 of Off-Limits Bad Boy
But then, despite what he’d just said, he lets me go. And I’m sad.
His hands, firm yet gentle, find my skin, lathering my sweet pea soap over my shoulders, down my arms, across my breastbone and across my body in slow, deliberate strokes. I can hardly breathe; I never want him to stop.
“I can't get enough of you,” he whispers, his lips grazing my neck.
Any semblance of resistance I had - and let’s face it, I had none - melted away under the warm water and his incredible touch. I glance over my shoulder at him, and our mouths meet.
He deepens the kiss, and my brain stops working. I am lost, utterly and completely, in the sensation of being with Kade.
After we’re clean, with towels wrapped around us, we make our way back to my room.
Kade's lips move against mine with an urgency that tells me the night before was just the beginning. His hands roam my damp skin, making me desperate for more than just touch. We're a tangle of limbs and primal need as we edge back toward my bed.
A sharp knock at the door makes us both freeze. “Alex?” I ask, because that’s the single worst thing I can imagine happening now.
But Kade shakes his head. “No way.”
“Maybe they’ll go away?” as I whisper the words - as if the visitor at the front door could hear us - whoever is at the door begins to pound harder. I can tell by the urgency of the knock that they’re not going anywhere until I answer.
I give him a frustrated look. “Hold that spot; don’t forget, because we’re picking this back up as soon as they’re gone.” Slipping into the first clothes I find, I rush to the door, my heart racing for all the wrong reasons.
In the doorway, I glance back at Kade. He’s sitting patiently on my bed, a towel slung low on his hips, his dark eyes watching me intently.
“Stay here,” I mouth and see him nod once in agreement.
As the person at the door pounds again, I call out. “Coming! Just give me one second.” The words come out more strangled than I intend.
I yank the door open, and there's Ryan, holding a bouquet of brightly colored flowers and a box wrapped in holographic paper. His hopeful smile doesn't reach his eyes, and I can see annoyance in them, as if he’s upset I made him wait so long.
“Ryan, what—” I say as he thrusts the gifts at me.
“Take them, Emma.”
I don’t like his commanding tone. He sounds like he’s spent all our time apart watching Alpha influencers and now thinks that ordering me around and being rude is the way to my heart. He couldn’t be more wrong.
“Thank you, I guess, but…” I trail off. Unsure what to do, I set them down on the floor by the door as he moves in close as if to bully me with his sheer presence. “Can I come in? We need to talk.” He tries to peer over my shoulder, his brows drawn together.
“Uh, now's not a good time,” I say quickly, blocking his view. I thought Alex would be the worst person to show up at my door, but sheesh, this is way worse.
His eyes narrow with suspicion as he plants his hand flat on my door as if considering just pushing it open and letting himself in. “Why not?”
“Because... now is a bad time.” I don’t owe him an explanation, and I won’t give him one.
“Emma—” He steps forward, intent on pushing past me and I notice Mrs. Patel shuffling out to check her mailbox while watching us out of the corner of her eyes. Embarrassment leaves my face like a flamethrower, impossibly hot and painful to the touch.
“Seriously, Ryan. Not now.” Mrs. Henderson is slowly walking her trash cans to the curb, even though it’s not garbage day, and I know they’re all just being busybodies. Why won’t Ryan just leave already?
Before I can say a word, he drops to one knee, and I feel my heart stop in my chest.
There’s no way... no one could fail so spectacularly at reading the room, could they?
“What the—” I blurt out, feeling like I’m losing my mind. This can’t be happening. He pulls a small velvet box out of his pocket, and it shines in the sun, mocking me.
“Emma Riley,” he says, but I’m not having this.
“Ryan, get up,” I hiss, glancing around at the little audience that’s gathering outside my home.
“Will you marry me?” His words ring out clearly, and they feel like a punch to my gut.