Page 43 of Off-Limits Bad Boy
“Are you insane?” My voice is barely a whisper, my heart thunders in my chest. “I never—I don't—”
“Come on, Emma. We're perfect for each other.” He's pleading now, the ring sparkling in the sunlight as he shifts the box.
“Perfect? Ryan, we're not even friends anymore.” My hands shake as anger boils up inside me. This isn't romance; this is a warped sense of entitlement. He still feels owed... me. He thinks he should get to have me, and I’m not interested.
“Is that a no?” His face hardens and there's a bitterness in his tone that sends shivers down my spine.
“Yes, that's a no!”
The ring box snaps shut, the sound echoing as my neighbors all try to look busy. They might as well be vacuuming the grass or inspecting their headlight fluid in their vehicles.
His jaw clenches and he stands abruptly, stepping back as if distancing himself from the rejection.
“Fine,” he says, the word sharp as a knife. “Your loss.”
My heart races, not from the proposal, but from the fear of what comes next.
The door to my apartment barely closes when Ryan's hand is on it, pushing back with a force that has me stumbling backward. I nearly fall into the kitchen, terror flooding my whole body.
“Ryan, stop. Get out of my house.” My voice cracks, betraying the fear that's spiking through my veins.
“Stop?” He laughs, a harsh sound that grates on my nerves. “After you just humiliated me out there?”
He takes several steps toward me, and I scurry back until the cold quartz of the kitchen counter presses into my back. His face is inches from mine, his eyes blazing with an emotion I can't quite place. It's not the gentle Ryan I once knew—no, this man is a stranger.
“I embarrassed you?” I say, my voice stronger now. “You're the one who proposed in front of the entire neighborhood!”
“Because I thought—” His words cut short, his mouth snapping shut as his gaze slides past me. His body goes rigid, like he's just been doused in ice water.
I turn my head, following his stare, and that's when I see Kade.
He stands there, exuding a calm authority. His dark hair is neatly combed, and he doesn't look like a man who’d spent the night in bed with me. The way his arms are crossed over his chest, muscles outlined beneath the fabric of his shirt, doesn't just speak of casual strength—it screams for Ryan to go ahead and continue that line of thinking. He looks like he’s itching for a fight.
For a moment, time stands still, and I forget to breathe. Kade’s intense presence feels protective. Defiant. And so, so reassuring.
Ryan follows my gaze, looking between Kade and me, the pieces coming together in his mind. His features contort with anger and something else—a realization that he's lost control of the situation. Lost control of me.
Heat flushes my cheeks as Ryan's gaze snaps between Kade and me, confusion etching deep lines across his forehead. “Why the hell is he here, Emma?” His tone is sharp, accusatory.
I open my mouth, but words lodge in my throat—stuck. I'm a deer caught in headlights, heart pounding against my ribcage. Then Kade steps forward, dark eyes locking onto Ryan's with an intensity that commands silence.
“Someone tried to take advantage of Emma last night at the club,” Kade says, his gravelly voice steady and unworried. “I stayed on the couch to make sure she felt safe.”
Relief washes over me like a gentle wave. I nod, silently thanking him for the lifeline. Kade's lie isn't just convincing; it's perfection.
Ryan's anger deflates slightly, replaced by a hint of guilt. But before he can respond, Kade's towering presence inches closer, and the room seems to shrink.
“Ryan, I'm going to ask you to leave now,” Kade's voice is a low rumble of controlled power. He doesn't raise his voice, and he doesn't need to. The message is clear: this is non-negotiable.
My pulse thunders in my ears, not just from fear, but from something else—a wild, electric thrill that zips through me each time Kade asserts his protectiveness.
“Fine,” Ryan says like a petulant teenager, his bravado crumbling under Kade's unwavering stare. He glances at me. “Your brother is going to hear about this.”
“Fine. Tell my brother that Kade slept on my couch because I was afraid. I’m sure he’ll think you’re a real hero.” I can see the doubt creeping into his eyes. Kade hasn't moved, hasn't spoken another word, but his presence still fills the room.
“Get out, Ryan.” I point toward the front door, as if making sure he knows which direction to go to get the heck out of my life.
“Emma—” Ryan starts, but then Kade shifts. It's a small movement, barely noticeable, but it's enough. Enough to remind us both that he's not just my brother's best friend—he's a force to be reckoned with.