Page 23 of Trusting His Heart
“What are you doing this weekend?” he asked.
“Oh, your assistant didn’t tell you?” her eyebrows raised in confusion.
“No, what should she have told me?”
“I needed, no wanted, to have dinner with you tonight before I fly out to Brisbane again tomorrow for two weeks.”
“Oh,” his mind raced furiously. Another two weeks without Bec was unthinkable. “Will you be coming home on the weekend?”
“It’s a long way to travel down on the Saturday morning and back again Sunday night. I’m not working on the weekend, but I am staying up there.”
“What if I came to you?”
“What if I flew up on Friday night and came back Monday morning? Do you think you would want to put up with me as a guest for the weekend?”
Silence as they both contemplated the significance of what he asked. They bypassed courtship and dating. They were two people committing to being together for a weekend, in a single room.
Geoffrey smiled, hiding his panic – in his attempt to move things along had he pushed her too far, too quickly? As she started her own smile he felt tremendous relief and an emerging desire.
“I think I could handle you – if you are up for it,” she challenged, the way her eyes flickered, he knew they were both ready.
“I’ll get Layla to organize my flights and I’ll text you the details,” he said as they packed up their dinner to leave. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take you to the airport?”
“Geoffrey, tonight, I’m going home – but ask me again another time.” After her kiss, he felt as excited as a young school boy preparing for his first date.