Page 24 of Trusting His Heart
Fall in love
Bec tried to concentrate on the meetings with her client, finding the slow moving of her watch an unnecessary distraction. Minute by minutes passed during the week until slowly Friday arrived and the time showed close to four in the afternoon. Only another half an hour until Geoffrey’s plane would land, half an hour to get his luggage, fifteen minutes to get a cab and an hour to get to their motel.
In little over two hours, he would be in her room, waiting for her. While she remained stuck in a meeting with a client unwilling to have the tough discussions with her executive about the company changes she wanted and knew were necessary. If the company didn’t change while the world changed around it, the company would only survive another two years – three at the most. Bec reiterated the key message - adapt or become extinct. Deep down, the client knew this, however now the reality of bringing her executive with her on the change became scary and she threatened to walk away.
The hardest part of Bec’s job included supporting executives to follow through with their own decisions – they were often just as resistant to change as their staff.
She worked over sixty hours already this week, knowing if she didn’t clear her desk quickly, then her weekend would be split between exploring whatever sort of relationship she and Geoffrey were becoming – and babysitting her client. She had no choice but to wrap things up and now.
“Kathryn, it’s been a long week,” she started, “It’s probably been tougher than you expected because people you rely on haven’t been as accepting of the decisions,” she kept her tone soothing and calm. The client started mimicking her slight nodding. “There isn’t anything else we can do this week. My strong advice is to let everyone go home, enjoy their weekend, and start the conversation fresh on Monday. What I want you to do is to go over all the reasons you brought me here, and what will happen to your company if we don’t continue this journey. I am on your side, I will support you with whatever you want to do but you need to remember what is at stake if you back away now.”
Kathryn walked to the doorway and turned back to her, “Rebecca, I wasn’t sure about you when Derek suggested I needed help, but you make a lot of sense. I know this is the right decision, I need to move on – my company needs to move on. I’m scared, and I’m grateful you are here. Thank you and have a great weekend.”
Finally, Bec could start her own moving on process.
Geoffrey paced around the apartment, glancing at his watch every few minutes. The second hand not working as fast as it should be and time seemed to be standing still. Even though he caught an earlier flight, fate didn’t bring Bec to him any quicker. The plane trip to Brisbane was not his first, but certainly the slowest. At time he thought the pilot intentionally wanted to delay his weekend.
The cab driver insisted on taking the scenic route to the city and the desk concierge took forever to allow him a key and entry to Bec’s room.
Now he stood in her room, while Bec remained at work. He wanted to text her and tell her he had arrived, however how could he do so and not then insist she leave work immediately and join him? Instead, he paced around the room and resisted the urge to pick up the shirt from the floor and draw in her scent. They didn’t know each other well enough yet for her to walk in on him doing something so intimate. Something he intended to correct.
He was trapped in her room – knowing she might only be minutes away – normally decisive he hated feeling insecure and at a loss of what to do. So much relied on this weekend being perfect. Not in years had he been willing to expose his heart like this and for the first time, he was afraid of not being enough for a woman. A woman he was prepared to fall in love with.
He booked a table for two at the pinnacle restaurant overlooking the river, imagining candles and the softness of her hair silhouette against the beautiful Brisbane skyline. He ordered a picnic hamper for collection for lunch on Saturday and arranged for breakfast to be served to their room with full service rather than a tray left outside their door.
There was nothing left for him to organize or do. He could only wait for her to arrive.
Even then, he was uncertain on how to approach her. A life of philandering banter and flirtatious seduction didn’t prepare him for greeting a woman he wanted a real relationship with.
Frozen with indecision in the hotel room of a beautiful woman, trying to fight the urge to pick her up at the door, capture her in his arms, carry her to bed and make love to her in any way and in every way she desired.
What if she didn’t feel the same? What if her first kiss came chaste to his cheek? What their conversation became stilted or non-existent and the weekend proved too much too soon and ruined everything? What if they still hadn’t even held hands until after dinner and the ride back down to their room was just awkward and she asked him to leave.
He took a breath and centered himself, eyeing the door willing it to open.
What if the weekend was perfect.
The heavy door stuck a little on opening, and then, there he stood. Bec gave no thought to her laptop as she dropped her bag, ran to him, her eyes alight with her own desire.
Their first kiss. Hungry lips once met, refused to let go. Bec felt her legs give way as he picked her up, carrying her across the room. Still, she wanted more kisses and cried out when he briefly stopped.
“Are you sure?” he asked, motioning to the bed.
She nodded, not trusting herself to speak and unable to wait any longer. As he lowered her onto the bed, she felt herself falling in more ways than one. Not willing to break contact with his eyes, she removed his jacket, trusting this man with more than her body.
He removed each button from her shirt, exposing the pale blue bra. The hours spent in the lingerie shop looking for the perfect matching bra and panties were rewarded as he took in her body. She wanted something he would enjoy removing, but nothing too outlandish just yet. Hopefully they had time for him to discover her wilder side.
Right now, she lifted her head allowing him full access to her neck, with each kiss quivering to his touch. She pulled the shirt over his head, marveling at the toned chest held over her. Tanned, with a sprinkling of grey in the hairs. His arms taut as he held himself above her, and she wanted him to lower, to crush her. To feel him grind against her.
Yet he stayed raised, only kissing her neck, driving her wild with anticipation yet she did not want to pull him to her. There would only ever be one first time for them, and as much as she wanted him right now, she also wanted it to last forever.
She turned her head, so his lips found hers again and the last of their resistance faded away. She leant up to give him easier access to her bra strap from behind, helping him until her chest was as bare as his.
Now, finally, he pressed against her and she shuddered as she felt skin on skin.
“I want more,” she whispered, needing him more and without further delay. All the while, the kisses, tongue exploring and teeth gently biting. She wanted his mouth to take her naked breasts, she wanted to feel the wet touch of his tongue run circles around her. Yet, she wanted his kisses, needed his kisses more than she needed oxygen to breathe.
With his full body laying on top of hers, completely aware of the hardness that would soon fill her. Her legs trapped together, she regretted wearing the slim, sexy skirt. Worn to inspire Geoffrey as she walked into the room, not to stop him. Her hands finished exploring all of his chest and back. Now, she wanted to go lower. Slipping her hand down his pants, he groaned through the kiss as she touched him.