Page 25 of Trusting His Heart
As her fingers wrapped around his hardness, he slid his hand underneath her back, pulling her towards him as he deftly undid her skirt. She drowned in his kisses as she helped him remove first her skirt and then her panties.
He stopped before entering her, asking again “Are you sure?”
“Completely,” she pulled him inside knowing neither of them came to this moment innocent of life’s pain. As he sighed, she also knew she was not the only one willing to chance their heart again.
Geoffrey held on for as long as possible, finding pleasure in Bec’s passion. Watching her eyes turn a brighter blue than grey as he worked her to the peak over and over again.
As he finally let go, he crashed back onto the bed, exhausted and concerned when she swung her legs over the bed and got up.
“Where are you going?” he imagined holding her in his arms for a long embrace, to trace her body with his finger tips now he knew her so well. He didn’t want her to shower and get dressed – for once, he wanted the afterglow to continue.
“I was saving this for a special occasion – care to join me?” Bec sauntered seductively to the bar fridge, offering him the perfect view of her naked ass as she retrieved a bottle of champagne and two chilled glasses. “Can you handle opening a bottle, or do you need some time to recover.”
“Come here, you wench,” with one motion, he took the bottle and glasses from her hand, set then aside and pushed her back onto the bed. Laughing, he sat on top of her, their bodies still glistening from before. He opened the bottle, allowing the bubbles to flow over her body as he filled the two glasses.
“Geoffrey, however will I get clean?” her eyes challenged him to prove his quick recovery, so he did. Cleaning every splash of bubbles from her chest with his tongue and then working lower, bringing her so close until he joined her again, two bodies as one in climax.
“Now, can I have something to drink?” he asked, rolling off her.
“You certainly deserve it.”
This time, there were no attempts to move from the bed. They finally found each other and neither were willing to leave.
The weekend passed too quickly, and Bec joined Geoffrey in his cab to the airport on Monday morning.
“You don’t have to,” he told her, wanting his last vision of Bec asleep in their bed, her hair wafting over the pillow.
“I want to,” he saw the cab driver smile as he was covered in more kisses, “Every single moment, I want with you.” Already he knew whatever Bec wanted, she would be determined to get. As long as she wanted him, he was willing to be gotten.
“This is crazy, you’ll wait around for the plane and then go back to the office – you don’t need to.”
“Oh, when was the last time you were kissed at the airport before boarding?”
“Never,” he admitted. There were a lot of firsts he planned to experience with this amazing woman.
“Then, let me do this for you, a way of extending our weekend until we can’t extend it anymore.”
So, Geoffrey held Bec in the cab ride to the airport, not letting go of her hand while he paid, and then got his bag. The closeness he craved to her was now overwhelming. “There is no way I want to go back to life without you,” he told her before they tried to sleep the previous night.
“I wouldn’t let you, even if you tried,” she promised.
He lacked the words to make her understand how much she meant to him, already. Everything in his life lead to this moment, and it took every part of self restraint not to devour her in the airport.
Bec felt at peace, sitting next to Geoffrey, his arm around her as they waited for his flight to be called. They sat in silence, their fingers doing all the talking while the weekend played like music in her head.
“How long is your lease for?” he asked, breaking the silence.
“Six months and then ongoing.”
“How much notice do you need to give?”
“I don’t know – a month or so.”
“How would you like living at the beach?”
“I don’t know,” she kissed his fingers, pretending to suck one as other passengers looked on. “My hair gets curly with the moisture in the air.”
“Something to think about,” before more silence.