Page 27 of Trusting His Heart
Secure in love
“Mate, I have never seen you happier, whatever you are doing is working for you,” since they were students together, Geoffrey and Rigby met up for lunch once a month. At first it was because they were friends, then during Geoffrey’s darker periods, Rigby insisted on lunch as a way to keep some control over his prize lecturer. Now, they had found a balance between friendship and work.
“If you want to know about Rebecca and I, you only have to ask,” he raised a glass in a toast.
“How long has it been?”
“About five months.”
“It’s going well? I thought she was smarter than to put up with a mug like you.” Rigby took a swill of his beer. “After a dozen formal events over the last month, it’s good to relax with a beer and a mate. Glad you found the time.”
“Rebecca is interstate again. She’ll be back on the weekend.”
“Where is she this time?”
“Back in Brisbane. Her client is keeping her busy.”
“How are you two finding any time together? I’ve been meaning to thank you for taking on Edwards classes – he’ll be back shortly.”
“No problem, you knew I couldn’t say ‘no’ considering the circumstances. The treatment worked?” Geoffrey hadn’t wanted to ask. What if the answer was ‘no’ – too much to lose his wife and then a close colleague …
“Good news – they got it early and he responded well. He did want me to thank you.”
“Fine, well I will be looking forward to all the spare time I didn’t realize I had.” he chuckled. “By the way, there is some research I’ve been meaning to write up a business case for. I’ll need a couple of undergrads.”
“Male or female?” Rigby tested him – usually the request was for gorgeous females.
“Give me access to the best and I don’t care how old, male or female or anything else. I want the best to have their names on my next paper. I am inspired to genius and need some grunt work to make the magic happen.”
“So, back to your inspiration – how is the Miss Rebecca?”
“Rigby, I didn’t expect to feel this way again. I’m even thinking of asking her to move in with me – it’s time I turned my house into our home.”
The cab driver asked Bec for the address and she hesitated for a moment before giving him Geoffrey’s house near the beach. She kept a small drawer of clothes there, for the overnight visits which were becoming more frequent. She handed over the final deliverable to the client at lunchtime, and without any requests for last minute changes, she arranged an early flight home.
It was early evening and she was eager to be in Geoffrey’s arms and hear him tell her one more time that he loved her.
He loved her. She loved a man who loved her back!
Bec relaxed into the car seat wondering how her life had turned from pathetic to perfect in the space of a couple of short months. Before coming to Australia, she had been broke, homeless and hoping the offer of a job would lead to something. Now, successful with work booked out for months, living in a unit central to everywhere, and in love with a man who made her smile, laugh, and believe in the future. Their future.
The lights were dark when she arrived at his home. “Damn, he’s not at home.”
“Will you be okay, miss?” the cab driver asked her.
“I’ll be fine, thank you.” As the car lights drove off, she wandered around the garden, pulling out the occasional weed. Geoffrey loved his garden but didn’t have a clue on how to care for it. She went around the back for the hose and gave the plants a good watering.
Still watering, she felt familiar arms around her waist. “Best looking home invader I have ever met!”
“Geoff, oh, Geoff,” she spun around, smothering him in kisses.
“Careful with my hose,” he cautioned with a smile, tempting fate.
“Or what, I’ve always fancied you in a wet t-shirt competition,” Bec drenched him before he turned the hose on her. She had never been happier, standing in the backyard of the man she loved, wet hair dripping over her clothes, her blouse see through with the water and her face covered in his kisses.
“I think the water looks better on you than it does on me,” he held the hose over both of them as they laughed and embraced. “You realize every minute you are away from me, feels like forever,” he murmured in her ear, nibbling her lobe while her hands explored his chest.
“I’m here now, and I don’t have to be anywhere until Tuesday.”