Page 28 of Trusting His Heart
“We have three days to ourselves!”
“Three days, hope you have a fridge full of food, because I don’t intend for either of us to leave the house.”
“Do you need to pick up anything?” he asked.
“Everything I need is here,” she dragged him inside, eager to make up for lost time.
As much as Geoffrey wanted Bec, his bachelor ways were hard to let go of and Bec proved time and time again she couldn’t be pushed around like one of his students.
“You are so used to having everything your own way – haven’t you heard of compromise.”
“Bec, we are talking about how to make an omelette. You need to add one tablespoon of cold water.”
“I’m not talking about cooking – it is everything. Television shows, sports, the way you need to have the bed made just so.”
“I like coming home to a properly made bed. Don’t you?”
“That’s not the point.”
“Calm down, Bec and talk to me.”
“Dear Professor Swains,” she stood glowering. “In the history of the world, has telling a woman to calm down ever resulted in her calming down.”
“Then go and have a shower to cool down, let me cook you the perfect omelette and we can go into the bedroom and disturb the perfectly made sheets.”
“I don’t want a stupid shower or your cooked eggs.”
Geoffrey threw the pan and smashed omelette across the kitchen bench, “Why can’t you just agree with what I said just because I said it.”
“Really! Is that what you want? For me to bow down and worship The Great Professor Stains?”
“Well, Yeah! Being worshiped is what I’m best at.” He smirked and winked as Bec raised her hands, palm up to him.
“Well then I guess The Great Professor should teach me.” She stepped back as he aggressively stepped forward and grabbed her wrists tightly.
He pulled her back towards him and moved her wrists behind her back as he growled in her ear, “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.” He smiled to himself as he felt her body shiver at his words. With deft and well-honed skills, he turned her around and escorted her out of the living room.
The electricity between them was so palatable he was surprised that he couldn’t see the sparks going between them. He leaned closer in whispering what should have been sweet nothings into her ear while she leaned into him as they walked towards the bedroom.
“I will be adored. I will be worshiped. You will do as I say. You will not argue. You will say ‘Yes, Professor.’….”
“And if I don’t,” she challenged, trying to wriggle free.
She bounced as he pushed her onto the bed, climbing on top of her.
“What do you think I should do to naughty girls who disobey?”
Her tongue slid across her lips, her heart racing and her beautiful blue-grey eyes twinkled, “Do your best.”
He thought for a moment, then left the bed, leaving her bewildered. Good – anticipation will increase her pleasure. Before he came back, he called out, “Close your eyes.”
Only when she said, “Okay?” did he reenter, carrying a small box.
With practiced precision, he blindfolded her and tied her hands to the wrought iron bed head. “Now, sweetheart,” he growled, “Are you ready for your punishment.”
“Maybe,” still defiant.
He took a long, purple feather from the box and gently traced her face.