Page 76 of Stone Temptation
“Let him rest,” Carissa said. “We can talk about all this later.”
I caught Seth’s death glare. He said nothing, moving around the bed to join my boss by the door.
Carissa’s stressed-out vibes were rife, the poor gargoyle in need of a spa day. “Take care of him, Asher. I’ll be back in an hour or so.”
“Yes, ma’am. I will.”
With a nod, she stepped outside.
Seth glanced about my room, smiling at me as if he’d won the lottery.
“What hideous décor,” he said in a parting shot.
Meh. The knobhead was the least important creature on this planet. But definitely one asking for a battering.
“So sleepy,” Luke mumbled. “Like sleep.”
So much for strawberry creams.
“You sleep,” I said.
And he did.
I watched him from my chair, playing with my rose quartz. He was snuggled under my duvet, head on my pillow. Totally peaceful.
Who was he? What did the ice place mean? Who or what was the threat against him? There were no starting points for this headfuck. Only the ring, and that was like asking driftwood to sing a lullaby.
A lavender tealight on my Table of Healing, as I liked to call it, burned out. I got up and replaced it with another, keeping my favorite scent strong.
I made myself a green tea and scotch, taking it to the balcony and watched the magic shimmer around the tower. Stronger than before, ready for any more attacks. Axel and Mara flew past, nodding as they went. I was both jealous of them and happy to be here with Luke.
I’d kissed him.
“Just like a fairytale,” I said to the sea of clouds below.
The stars seemed to brighten as my lips tingled with the memory of the kiss. It’d been soft, gentle, not full-on lip action. But it’d brought a shift in me, the world around me painted with richer colors than before.
Man, I had to snuff out of this shit. These feelings were nothing more than confused protective instincts.
Gods, give me a pissing break.
I sipped my tea, waiting for sunrise. Tomorrow was another day. Tomorrow might bring clarity.
A knock on my door brought me back from my musings. I turned, taking a moment to gulp down my tea, preparing myself to endure Seth’s face again and not crack it like an egg.
Carissa was alone this time, wearing a baggy gray tracksuit.
“Where’s he gone?” I asked, closing the door behind her.
“He’s resting.”
What for? “Really?”
“Asher, please. I don’t want to discuss Seth. I’ve had enough of him already.” She went to the balcony.
I followed, leaning on the balustrade with her.
She looked up at the stars. “Everything seems so much darker, doesn’t it?”