Page 106 of Savage Warrior
The other updates are less positive. Ethan is still unconscious, and we’re waiting for the results of the scans they’ve run. Magda is out of surgery, but it hasn’t gone well. The chances of saving the leg are slim.
“That’s awful,” Beth gasps. “How will she cope?”
“She’s a strong woman,” I offer, though I don’t know our pilot especially well. I hope I’m right. “She’ll adapt. We’ll make sure she does.”
“Yes.” Beth brightens. “She’ll still able to fly. I saw an old film once, about a World War Two fighter pilot…” She trails off. “I need to see him.”
“Sure. Ring the bell, and someone will let you in.”
Beth switches places with Jack, who had been keeping vigil between both our fallen leaders. He joins us in the waiting room.
“We need to make some plans,” he announces as soon as the ward door clicks shut behind him. “First priority is security, and this place is a gaping hole. People in and out all the time, we can’t guarantee anyone’s safety.”
I’d spotted that myself. “How soon can we move them to the Rothwell?”
“Aaron? Probably tomorrow or the day after, as long as no complications appear. He just needs to recuperate. They suspect a dislocated shoulder, but that’s something and nothing, the Rothwell could pop that back in.”
“And the boss?”
Jack’s mouth flattens into a worried scowl. “Not sure. He’s showing no sign of coming round, and his breathing’s crap. There’s talk of a ventilator.”
“Christ.” My memory is full of the dreadful images of a couple years ago, at the height of the Covid crisis. Hospitals full of poor sods on ventilators having said goodbye to their loved ones and never waking up. “Jesus. That bad?”
“We can’t wait for him to recover. Aaron can step up once he’s on his feet again. There needs to be a Savage at the helm, or our enemies will start circling, but for now I’m taking over. You and Tony are my underbosses. Okay?”
“Yeah. Course. Where is Tony?” It occurs to me I haven’t seen him since we’ve been in here.
“He was walking wounded, so I sent him back to the crash site to take charge there. Our number two priority is to nail the bastards who pulled this stunt, so any intelligence about the weapon used will be useful.”
“Anything more from Casey on that?”
“Nope, but she should be here within the hour. Jed, too. We need all the allies we can get right now.”
Jed O’Neill is head of the Irish Mob, based in Dublin and New York. He’s married to Casey Savage. On the surface he’s friendly and affable, but simmering below the genial façade is a ruthlessness and cold efficiency that’s frankly terrifying. He’s a good man to have on your side, especially when you want to find shit out. Between them, there’s not much ever happens in any of the organised crime networks in the world that Casey and Jed don’t know about.
“We’ve got men arriving from all over the country,” Jack continues. “I called them all in, all our soldiers. I’m setting up a temporary base in a warehouse about three miles from here until Ethan’s fit to move. I’ll need you in Scotland, spearheading everything there.”
“Sure. I can work out of Glasgow. Arina and the kids can stay on the island or at the mansion…”
“We want to be with you,” she chimes in, gripping my arm.
I smile at her. “Good. That’s settled then.”
“So, am I to assume you two are an item?” Jack asks.
“We’re working on it.” I swing my arm around Arina and hug her close. “I’m guessing the honeymoon will have to wait, though.”
“Too fucking right, it will.” Jack is pacing the small room and barking out orders. “Has anyone spoken to Magda yet? Oh, and congratulations.”
“Thanks. Not that I know of.”
“The police will be all over her, the moment the doctors give permission. I want her talking to us before she speaks to anyone else. Can you see to that?”
“Sure. What about—?”
We’re interrupted by the click of the door opening behind me. Jack’s narrowed gaze slants over my shoulder at the newcomer.
“Sorry, mate, you have the wrong room.” His hand is on his gun.