Page 107 of Savage Warrior
I draw my weapon, too, and swing round. “What the fuck? You!”
That sardonic smirk is etched on my memory. The last time I saw this man, Fedor Morozov was bleeding out at his feet.
The stranger raises his hands, palms towards us. “I didn’t kill you when I could. Do me the same courtesy, if you please.”
“What the fuck?” I repeat, for want of something more original. I don’t even think about re-holstering my gun. “What are you doing here? How did you…?”
“Am I to assume you two know each other?” Jack butts in. “Care to do the introductions?”
“This is the assassin who killed Fedor Morozov,” I explain. “I don’t know who the fuck he is.”
“Gabriel Sawyer. Gabe.” The stranger extends a hand to Jack.
I vividly remember that distinctive Texan twang.
“Pleased to be makin’ your acquaintance, gentlemen.”
Jack ignores the offered hand. “What do you want here?”
“I hear you’re havin’ a spot of trouble. I came to offer my services.”
“We’re not recruiting,” Jack answers. “Get out while you still can.”
“Ah, was I not clear? I don’t want to work for you. I don’t work for anyone. But we seem to have a mutual enemy, so that should make us allies, should it not? I’m here to suggest a… shall we say, a joint venture?”
Jack and I exchange bemused looks.
I shrug. “We could hear him out. I’ve had the advantage of seeing this man at work in Belarus. He’d be good to have on our side.”
I think perhaps he had Jack at ‘mutual enemy’.
“Go on,” he snarls.
Gabriel’s mouth curls in a smile. He’s a smug bastard, I’ll give him that.
“Well,” he drawls, “the way I see it—”
The door from the IT ward opens. Megan steps into the room carrying a tablet. She drops it with a clatter, her astonished gaze locked on our new would-be ally.
“You!” she spits.
He tips her a slight bow. “Good to see you, Megan. It’s been a while.”
“Nowhere near long enough. I should have made a better job of shooting you.”
He smirks at her. “Better luck next time, darlin’.”
to be continued…