Page 56 of Becoming
“Mo!” Both Hunter and Patty reprimanded Mo with a slap to the back of the head. A common occurrence in Rebecca’s experience.
“What! I’m pretty sure she knows she’s older!”
Hunter buried her head in her hands and Patty merely stared at her wife until the “tough butch” cowered.
“I apologize for my wife’s idiocy,” Patty finally said after more seconds of intense staring.
Rebecca shrugged. After fifteen years of Mo, she had been prepared for it. By the look on Cassidy’s face, she was not. She placed her hand on Cassidy’s thigh under the table and patted it.
“It’s fine. Tactless,” Rebecca said, looking pointedly at a now contrite Mo, “but fine. She’s right. I do know that I’m older. But, we seem to be getting along just fine.”
“More than fine,” Cass muttered. She took a deep breath (or two) before continuing. “Age isn’t a factor. She’s the one who keeps me on my toes. Besides, she’s taught me things I could never learn from someone my age. Things I’ve never even dreamed of.”
Hunter choked on her beer with laughter, Patty looked proud, Mo eyed Rebecca with a renewed respect, and Rebecca merely shook her head. She had been in the sex business far too long to be embarrassed by such declarations. That didn’t mean Cassidy wouldn’t be punished for it when they got home. And Rebecca knew exactly what tool she was going to use.
Cass glanced at her girlfriend and grinned. Oh, she knew she was going to get punished. What other reason would she reveal something so private? She was smart enough to keep it clean and simple but made sure everyone—especially Mo—got the gist. Now, she couldn’t wait for dinner to be over to find out what Mistress had in store for her.
“Well,” Hunter cleared her throat. “Now that we know of Rebecca’s prowess, tell us a bit about yourself, Cass. Uh, the professional side,” she said quickly as to not be misunderstood.
“Not much to tell,” Cass smiled. “I paint. That’s about it.”
“She’s being very modest,” Rebecca chimed in. “She’s a brilliant artist.” She saw Cassidy lowered her head and blush slightly. So cute.
“Brilliant is a little exaggerated, don’t you think? I just paint murals around the city.”
“Baby, Sumptor Galleries is going to feature you in the new gallery opening soon. That’s more than ‘just painting murals’.”
“Holy shit! That’s freakin’ big time!” Mo sputtered.
Patty rolled her eyes. “What my wife meant to say is congratulations. That’s fantastic!”
“Yeah, that,” Mo muttered.
“I’m throwing in my congrats as well,” Hunter said with enthusiastic respect. “From what I hear, Sumptor Galleries is one of the most prestigious in the business. Modesty be damned!” She signaled for a waiter who promptly strode over. “A bottle of your finest champagne, please. We’re celebrating.”
“That’s not necessary,” Cass protested. The praise was cool and all, but she wasn’t used to it.
“Of course, it is. We’re celebrating you and Becca being together and your success.” The waiter came back with a chilled bottle in an ice bucket. When each glass was filled, Hunter lifted hers in salute. “To Rebecca and Cass. May you continue to make each other happy. And, to Cass’s success. One day I’ll be able to say, ‘I knew her when’.”
Everyone raised their glass while calling out “cheers” and making sure to touch everyone’s champagne flute.
“Can we order now? I’m starving!”
The group laughed at Mo’s half-hearted complaint and Patty’s response of throwing a menu at her. Rebecca caught Cassidy’s eye and smiled at the glowing face. This was good. This is what they both needed. Not validation, but friends to share their happiness with. Not to mention, Rebecca had missed her friends immensely. She would make it a point to stay in touch better.
“Wait! Did you paint that mural on the strip? You know, the one with the woman and the big t…”
Whatever was about to come out of Mo’s mouth was forgotten quickly with another slap to the back of her head.
“I LIKE YOUR friends.”
Rebecca looked over at Cassidy and smiled. “They like you.”
“Mo’s a trip.”
“Mo is crazy, but she’s ours.”
“Do, um, she and Patty know about Mistress?”