Page 57 of Becoming
“No, just you and Hunter. And, Eve.”
Cass whipped her head around. “As in Sumptor?!”
“Mmhmm. Watch the road. I know you only had one glass of champagne, but it always helps to keep your eye on the road.”
“Yes, dear.” She focused straight ahead. “Why?”
“Why, what?”
“Why does she know?”
“Eve? Because I told her. We’ve done a lot of business together. I was recommended to her years ago by a client. She wanted to open a club and that’s something I excel at. We’ve become close over the years and have talked about things.” She glanced over at a silent Cassidy. “Why does that make you jealous, Cassidy?”
“It doesn’t,” she muttered, then changed her mind. “Fine, it does. I Googled Eve Sumptor. Do all your friends have to be so damn beautiful and successful?”
“Eve Sumptor-Riley,” Rebecca corrected. “She’s married. And no one is as beautiful to me as you are, Cassidy.”
Cassidy reached over and took Rebecca’s hand. “That was pretty stupid, huh? Never thought I’d be that girlfriend.”
“Aunt Wills would probably tell us that a small dose of jealousy is healthy for us. That it’ll keep us on our toes.” Rebecca scoffed. “I might tell her to send her degree back to the Cracker Jack box, but who knows? As long as you talk to me about your feelings and don’t assume things that only make it worse, I think we’ll do fine.”
“Deal. Speaking of talking, you said earlier tonight that we needed to talk. Wanna do that now?”
“Oh! Um, it can wait until we get home.”
“When we get home, I fully expect to be punished for my indiscretion at dinner.”
“I knew you did that on purpose!” Rebecca laughed. “Don’t worry, you’ll get what’s coming to you.”
“Oh, I hope so.” Cass wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“And, then, maybe you could, um, take a turn punishing me.” There! She said it! Not quite the way she should, but it’s a start.
The car swerved as Cass’s entire body jerked with surprise and arousal. “You—you want me to? I… you…”
“Baby, calm down before your brain explodes,” Rebecca chuckled. “We’ll discuss this more when we get home. I’ve come to realize that I have certain needs that I hadn’t anticipated. Hence the mood swings. I’ve been a little afraid to tell you.”
“You’re afraid of me?”
“No, no. Definitely not, baby. Quite the opposite.” Rebecca breathed in deeply. “Cassidy, when I tell you this, I need for you to listen, okay? Hear me out and then we can discuss if you need to. Promise?”
When Cass looked over at Rebecca the last thing she expected to see was anxiety. It was another moment for her to prove to Rebecca that their relationship was destined for greatness. Cass would make it so. “Promise.”
“YOU WANT ME to what?”
“Cassidy, you promised you would listen.”
“I am listening, Rebecca.” Cass paced restlessly and ran frustrated hands through her already tousled hair. “I’m listening to you tell me that you want me to hurt you.”
“No,” Rebecca said calmly—more calmly than she actually felt. “You heard me say those words and then stopped listening.”
Cass flung her arms up in the air. “Because I don’t understand how you can ask me to be like her!”
“Is that what you think? That I want you to be someone I hate?” Rebecca stood up to face Cass. “Have you considered the fact that I might be as confused about this as you are? Why do you think I’ve been so moody the past few days? Hell, I even called my aunt hoping she’d give me meds because I’d gone crazy. And, instead of truly listening, you want to think that it’s because I want you to be like her?”
Cass stopped in her tracks and sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She walked over to the couch where Rebecca sat and perched herself on the coffee table. “I’m listening.”
Rebecca gave her a skeptical look but continued. “You know, I’ve been so distracted that when I called my aunt for advice, I forgot to take off my mask. It was the first time she had seen me as Mistress.”