Page 70 of Becoming
Rebecca reached back and pulled Cassidy’s head down, so she could kiss her. It was always the most effective way of shutting her up. “I heard you, Cassidy. I know you probably think I didn’t, but I heard your fears. They echoed my own. You were right. I held on to that club as a punishment. I don’t need to do that anymore. I don’t want to.”
“Wow.” Cass’s arms tightened around her lover. “Wait, but I just told you about Hunter’s findings. Oh, you mean you’re thinking of selling?”
Rebecca smiled softly. “It feels amazing to know the truth, Cassidy. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain to you the burden you’ve lifted from my conscience. But that had nothing to do with my decision. Which was made earlier today, by the way. It was you.” She looked up into Cassidy’s eyes. “I love you. I would do anything for you, too, baby.”
“Damn.” Cass shivered a bit. It wasn’t from the chill in the air or being wet from the bath. It was the way Rebecca looked at her. The willingness to let go of the past for her. Cass fidgeted as her libido began to stir. “Um, so, earlier today, huh?”
“Mmhmm.” Rebecca chuckled silently, knowing exactly what Cassidy was feeling. The younger woman was terrible at hiding her desire. Rebecca never had any doubts about how Cassidy was feeling. It was one of the things Rebecca loved the most. “That’s why I was wearing what I was wearing. I wanted to surprise you.”
“You certainly did that,” Cass growled close to Rebecca’s ear causing her to chuckle.
“Next time, try to warn me if we have guests, okay?”
“Baby, the next time you wear that thing, I’m kicking everyone out and locking the fucking door.”
“You’re crazy.” Rebecca pinched Cassidy’s thigh. “And I’ll never be wearing ‘that thing’ again. I’m pretty sure it’s still in the living room in tatters.”
“Oh, yeah. Heh. Not even sorry.” Cass tweaked Rebecca’s nipples.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, missy.”
“I always finish with you.” Cass wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Hey,” she kissed a giggling Rebecca’s exposed neck. “Are you sure about the club?”
“What will happen to Mistress?”
Rebecca snickered. “I’m going to go out on a limb and say she’ll go wherever I go.”
“Ha, ha.”
“I’m serious. Cassidy, I’m only Mistress to you now. I don’t need the club to dominate you. I can do that anywhere.”
“Fuck me, yeah you can. But…”
Rebecca turned, this time getting up on her knees. “Baby, why are you fighting this? I thought this was what you wanted.”
“I wanted you free of her.” Cass shrugged. “I guess I’ll miss the Pink Room. It’s where I met the love of my life.”
“How is it that you can go from raunchy to romantic so easily?” Rebecca teased.
“You bring out the best in me.” Cass grinned her devilish grin.
Rebecca shook her head with a smile. “Crazy. Honey, the ‘love of your life’ will be right here with you. You don’t need the club as a reminder. And, if you need a Pink Room, I’m willing to give up my office space.”
Cass’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “You would allow a playroom in the house?”
“Of course, I would. I am a Mistress after all.”
Cass pulled Rebecca closer with one hand, using the other to lift an ample breast to her mouth. “As tempting as that is,” she began in between kisses, licks, and sucks, “I wouldn’t want you to give up your space. I propose an alternative.”
“And what would that be?” Rebecca’s breathing hastened with the sensation of Cassidy’s hot, wet tongue on her hard nipple.
“We sell our places and buy something bigger. Something that’s ours.” Cass was taking a big gamble with her suggestion. Rebecca had yet to agree to move in with her permanently. She didn’t want to push her too hard, but Cass was ready for that next step. And so much more.
Rebecca took Cassidy’s face in her hands, staring into her bi-colored eyes. “That’s definitely an alternative. And one that I will keep in mind. Okay?”