Page 58 of Undoing
The buttery-smooth leather of the seats welcomed her as Rebecca sat back and waited for Cass to get the hint that she was fine in the passenger seat.
“You sure you don’t want to drive?” Cass asked, the Aston Martin SUV purring to life when she pushed the ignition.
“I would love to, but…” Rebecca tapped her noggin. “I don’t really recognize anything around here. I’d be lost.”
Way to go, Cass. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
“You don’t have to keep saying sorry, Cass. I’m sure this is as awkward for you as it is for me.”
Cass glanced over at Rebecca. “I wouldn’t say it’s awkward. I still feel… right when I’m with you. It’s just…”
“Awkward?” Rebecca said, filling in the momentary silence.
Rebecca smiled at Cass to soften the blow of reality. The truth was, she felt right with Cass, too. It was something she couldn’t explain to herself, so she stopped trying, instead opting to see where it took her and her memories. She eyed Cass’s arm resting on the console, her hand almost waiting for someone to take it.
“Do you drive all the time?”
Cass shook her head. “I think it’s a fifty-fifty thing. You like to drive.”
“Do we normally… hold hands?”
Cass’s eyes flicked from Rebecca to her hand before bringing it to the wheel. Yep, awkward. “Uh, yeah.” She stopped herself from saying sorry again. “Habit.”
Rebecca reached over and brought Cass’s hand back to where it was. Then she threaded their fingers together. Yes, this feels right.
“I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfortable.”
“Nope. Not even a little,” Cass grinned, squeezing Rebecca’s hand lightly.
Rebecca peered out the window, watching everything go by. Some things were familiar, but other things were completely different. It confused her how she could wake up one day having lost two decades of her life.
“She never let me have a car,” Rebecca stated suddenly, knowing instinctively that Cass knew who she was talking about. She purposefully didn’t look at Cass as she remembered why Samantha demanded Rebecca sell her car when they got together. “She said it gave me too much independence, and subs weren’t allowed to have independence. I wasn’t allowed to go anywhere without her.”
Cass squeezed the steering wheel, forcing the hand that was holding Rebecca’s to remain relaxed. “Is that why you’re having a hard time being cooped up in the house now?”
Rebecca frowned. She hadn’t thought of that. Or maybe she had subconsciously. “I don’t know.” She narrowed her eyes at Cass. “Have you been talking to my aunt, the psychiatrist?”
Cass chuckled. “I mean, I have talked to her in the past. Maybe I’m learning a few things? But it would make sense that if you’re… stuck in that time, you’d be a little more anxious about your surroundings.”
“Oh, you’re good.” Rebecca smiled sweetly and went back to watching her surroundings, thinking about what Cass just said. It made sense that Rebecca would be anxious, right? So why wasn’t she when she was with Cass? After everything Samantha did to her, how could Rebecca ever feel safe in another relationship? And what type of relationship did they have? Was it normal?
They pulled into a parking lot after some time of quiet driving. Oddly enough, Rebecca felt comfortable in the silence with Cass. There were moments when Cass would gently rub her thumb over Rebecca’s, which sent a shiver down Rebecca’s spine. The touch caused Rebecca to wonder more about the nature of their relationship. Samantha had never been gentle with Rebecca. Not even in the beginning. They never held hands or acted as a couple. Rebecca was Samantha’s sub, and that was the extent of the relationship. Had Rebecca gotten out of that lifestyle once she was rid of Samantha?
“We’re here,” Cass announced softly as she cut the engine. Rebecca seemed to be deep in thought, Cass hated to interrupt.
Rebecca looked around. Nothing felt familiar to her, yet she felt… at home. “This is quaint.”
“Yeah,” Cass agreed as she surveyed the area, trying to look at it through the eyes of someone who’d never been here before. “The shop owners pay for the upkeep of the surrounding area.” Cass pointed to the store on the corner of the small strip of businesses. “Knight in Bloom donates the flowers and stuff for the landscaping. Sumptor Gallery allows some of the sculptures to be placed out here for the aesthetic.”
Rebecca gestured to the diner that took up the opposite corner. “And that place?”
Cass grinned. “Ellie’s provides the amazing smells that make people drool. Hang on just a sec.” Cass hopped out of the car and jogged around to Rebecca’s side, opening the door. “M’lady?”
Charmed, Rebecca took Cass’s outstretched hand. “Why thank you.” She stepped out of the car and allowed the warm sun and cool breeze to wash over her. “Beautiful,” Rebecca whispered, her eyes closed.
Very, Cass agreed silently. She longed to take Rebecca in her arms and hold her tight. She missed feeling Rebecca close to her. It wasn’t even the sex she missed. It was the closeness she had with Rebecca. She missed the love that flowed between them with a simple touch. And, oh god, she missed the happiness, passion, and adoration that shone in Rebecca’s eyes when she looked at Cass.