Page 59 of Undoing
Rebecca opened her eyes and smiled sheepishly at Cass. “Yes, sorry.” She didn’t know how to explain to Cass that it had felt like forever since she’d felt this… free. Rebecca was convinced that it had more to do with how Cass made her feel than just the rays of sunshine.
Rebecca stopped in her tracks, inhaling deeply.
“Oh, now I understand what you meant about the drooling.” Rebecca sniffed the air again, trying not to actually drool. “I think this is what heaven smells like.” She looked up at Cass, catching her scent as well. This was definitely Rebecca’s heaven.
Cass grinned down at Rebecca. She caught the spark in Rebecca’s eye and knew it had nothing to do with Ellie’s pies. No, Cass had seen that look before. It was one she missed desperately.
“C’mon,” Cass murmured. “This place fills up around this time, so we’d better get a table.” Out of habit — and the urgent need to touch Rebecca — Cass placed her hand at the small of Rebecca’s back, guiding her to the booth they used often. Intrigued, she watched as Rebecca glanced around, that small space between her eyebrows puckered in concentration. Cass wished she could read Rebecca’s mind. Did anything ring a bell in Rebecca’s memory, or was this as new to her as… well, Cass?
“My aunt mentioned an Ellie,” Rebecca began, distracted by her surroundings and aromas. “Is this who she was talking about?”
Finally, Rebecca’s attention came back to Cass. “Are they friends?”
Cass nodded. “Ellie is a… family friend.”
Before Rebecca could ask Cass to elaborate, a beautiful woman walked up to the table with a glass of chocolate milk and a mug in her hands. Then Rebecca was graced with a smile that caused her to feel inexplicably calm.
“Hello, you two! I was hoping I’d see you today.” Ellie placed the chocolate milk in front of Cass, giving her a conspiratorial wink. She then set the mug in front of Rebecca. “Green jasmine tea with a splash of honey.”
Rebecca’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. That was her favorite, especially when she was feeling particularly stressed. All the new sights and sensations were definitely contributing to her anxiety. Not to mention, she wasn’t sure she liked the familiarity between this woman and Cass.
“I — thank you. How?” Rebecca blinked in an effort to clear her mind of the hundreds of questions and focus on one. “I’m so sorry. Obviously, you know me if you know the way I drink tea. But I don’t… remember.”
Ellie laid a calming hand on Rebecca’s shoulder. “I know, it’s okay.”
“Cass told you?”
Ellie’s eyes flickered to Cass with sympathy. Oh, how it must hurt to hear Rebecca call her Cass. Again, she turned on the pleasant smile for Rebecca, not wanting to admit how much it hurt that Rebecca didn’t know her either. “My wife is your doctor, Rebecca,” she explained delicately. “And we’re all very close.”
Rebecca rubbed her temple. She didn’t want a fucking headache, she wanted answers. She needed to remember. “My doctor?”
“Yes. I’m Ellie Vale. Dr. Vale is my wife.”
Rebecca frowned, concentrating on remembering the doctors who were in the room with her when she woke up. “Tall. Dark hair. Piercing blue eyes. Nice bedside manner.”
Ellie’s smile grew. “That’s her.”
“Wait, you’re Ellie? As in…” Rebecca gestured at the diner as a whole.
“That’s me.”
“You were not what I was expecting.” Rebecca sucked in her lips, a blush of embarrassment creeping up her neck. “I… that’s… that was rude, I’m so sorry.”
Ellie chuckled. “I’m used to it. Most people think I’m a white-haired, little old lady.” She shrugged. “It’s fun seeing the reaction when they realize I’m not.”
Rebecca shook her head. “This is all so… weird. Have you ever felt like you’re missing out on life even though you’re standing right in it?”
“Girl,” Ellie scoffed. “I know very well what that’s like, but I believe your memory will return sooner rather than later.” She leaned closer, her eyes focused on Rebecca’s. “This too shall pass,” she said with a wink.
“You sound like a guru,” Rebecca laughed. Oddly enough, she believed Ellie. But when would it pass? It felt like it’s been a lifetime already.
“Ellie is like a yoga master,” Cass chimed in. She had been happy — and intrigued — just listening to the two’s conversation.
“I teach yoga,” Ellie corrected.
“That explains why you have a calming presence,” Rebecca laughed. “But if you could tell it to pass a little faster, that’d be great. Thanks.”