Page 4 of Wolves in Lust
“You long to be free,” he added.
“Free from what?” She finished her drink and waved to their waitress, gesturing that they both needed refills. So she liked to take charge. He liked that in a woman.
“Free from the confines of your body.”
A slight inhale of breath was her only response… until she uncrossed and recrossed her legs.
“Free to do as you please to whatever you want, whether that’s seeking or tracking or hunting or eating or fucking.”
The woman pursed her lips. Damn, did he want to kiss her. “Tracking, hunting, eating… just what are you referring to?”
“I think you know.” He accepted his second beer and downed half of it immediately.
“I don’t,” she said hoarsely.
“Whatever you can take down. Beaver, hare…”
Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not a hunter.”
“You don’t care for moose or deer or goat or oxen? Caribou is my favorite.”
“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.” She yanked her drink toward her, this one a deep purple color. Her tongue snaked out of her mouth to claim her straw, and he hardened, thinking about all of the places he’d like her tongue to touch.
“Oh no?” he asked innocently. “You don’t ever feel the need to release your inhibitions and throw back your head and howl?”
She gaped at him.
“I do believe I won.”
“No,” she whispered.
“You, my dear, are a…” He made a show of looking around the crowded and overly noisy bar before leaning closer to her, close enough to grab one of her hands. “A werewolf.”
She tried to free herself, but he held on tightly. “You’re delusional.”
“You are if you think you’re getting out of what you promised me,” Anders growled.
“What do you want?” A trace of fear tinged her words.
“Nothing you don’t want too.”
She frowned.
“I can smell your arousal from here.”
The woman flushed but didn’t deny his statement.
Oh, yes. This werewolf, whoever she was, she was his.
Leaving a bar with a guy wasn’t a new experience for Misti. But to leave one with a fellow werewolf? That was new. He was one she’d never seen before. His inner wolf explained his muscles. All natural. No steroids there. She found herself wanting to feel all of his muscles, to kiss and lick them.
She had never slept with a werewolf, only humans. Her father forbade it until he found her a suitable partner. As much as he could, he tried to control and dictate every part of her life.
Not tonight, you don’t.