Page 2 of Creatures of War
Chapter Two
“I-I can’t do that,” I whispered. Even though I couldn’t see the guys, I felt them inching closer to me, their worry and anger thrumming through the bonds between us.
‘We can always run,’ Zilon sent to me.
‘And go where?’ Philit asked.
‘Away from this fucking creep,’ Landers responded.
Their thoughts relaxed me enough to clear my throat and try speaking again. Knowing they were on my side gave me more confidence as I said, “I can’t do that. Choosing is like cutting off my limbs, and I refuse to do that.”
King Laskis didn’t say anything for a very long time. Sweat formed along my hairline and dripped down my neck. “Not a wise decision.”
He waved his hand, the guards around us all growing alert.
I whipped my head around as they approached.
“Separate them.” King Laskis’s order felt heavy against my body.
“What?” Landers yelled out. “You can’t do that.”
The king only laughed as the guards grabbed at my dragons, pushing them to their knees into a submissive position that felt all too wrong. Philit’s muscles bulged as he tried to fight back, but the three guards on him weren’t going to let him move. His blue eyes met mine, his black skin darkening even further as his fury rose. I swore he was about to burst with power.
“Let them go!” I tried to move to them, but a steel arm wrapped around me, pulling me back against their chest. A guard on me, or so I assumed. That only seemed to make it worse as Philit renewed his fight. And for a moment, I thought he was going to escape when he managed to get three guards down, but they practically jumped on him to keep him subdued.
“Calm down, Rayna,” Tanja said into my ear, her breath warm. I was fighting against her hard enough for her long black hair to get in my face.
My eyes burned with tears, blurring their images. I felt their yelling in my head even though their mouths weren’t moving. They were calling for me as desperately as I called for them. Fear slammed through me, freezing my lungs.
“I can’t pick, and you can’t do this!” I yelled out, trying to be heard over the king’s laughter.
I tried to kick out and get free of Tanja, but she was too strong as she began pulling me away from the guys and out of the room.
They were forced to remain where they were with weapons drawn on them. Their eyes were big and round as they stared back at me. The bond between us felt the strain too, pulling tight. I was about to crumble at any moment.
“Let me go,” I cried out, trying to push her away.
“Rayna. Stop.”
I pushed harder, making sure to kick. She only lifted me up off the ground, having no issues keeping me in her grip.
“Rayna! Enough!” The sharp bark of Captain Corniz’s command forced me into submission as I stilled, making it easier for Tanja to take me away.
A whimper escaped me as my mouth shut. Tears burned as they fell, and I tried to blink them furiously away, but it didn’t work. Tanja had my arms locked in my side.
She sighed and finally put me down. We were farther down the hall, away from the throne room. Guards ran from the other direction, the sounds of their feet echoing off the marble floor. The guards darted into the room, hands at their side. Some of them were dragons, their wings pressed tightly against their bodies.
“Rayna, you need to take a deep breath and think for a moment. What you just did was treason. You never go against the king, not so openly like that. If you continue to act like this, it will only get worse for you and those boys.”
That got my attention, and I finally met her gaze.
“Yes. Think about them. All of you are at the mercy of King Laskis. Right now, all you can do is keep your head down and do what you’re told. Survive.” Tanja was frowning hard. She sighed and reached over, wiping my hair from my face.
“H-He’s your u-uncle; he’ll listen to y-you,” I got out with a small stutter as I tried to get my emotions under control.
“I wish, but Uncle Laskis is a greedy bastard. He’s someone I’d rather not deal with, but my position with him is what it is unfortunately.”
I gasped as she called the king that.