Page 3 of Creatures of War
Tanja forced out a chuckle. “I only speak the truth, and no one is around to hear anyway.” She tapped her ear, letting me know she could hear that we were alone.
“What’s going to happen?” I asked. For a moment, the bond between me and the guys seemed to shimmer, their irritation reaching me.
“I know my uncle well enough to know that he’s enjoying himself right now. He won’t do anything just yet. So do as you're told and stay away from your guys. Don’t get them in trouble. He will punish them given the chance. Don’t give it to him.”
‘Are you okay?’ Zilon’s question fluttered through my head.
‘Good,’ Philit responded. ‘Behave for now.’
Philit’s order was enough to settle my nerves and listen to the sound advice Tanja was giving me. If they were telling me to behave, then they had to be okay. Right?
“Okay, so what next?” I asked.
Tanja stared at me for a moment before giving me a sharp nod. “Good girl. You’re lucky actually in the timing that you arrived. Classes start tomorrow, but the ceremony is only a couple hours away. The academy accepts students twice a year, and you’re in time for the winter session.”
“The Welcoming Ceremony. Here is what’s going to happen: you’ll prepare for classes, go to the ceremony, keep your head down, and attend classes in the morning. Keep doing as you’re supposed to. And Rayna, you need to listen to King Laskis. Do as he asks.”
“No! I can’t choose. I refuse.”
Tanja sighed. “Rayna, shut up. I may be kind, but I will not accept disrespect from you for much longer. Listen to what I have to say if you want to remain with your guys.”
I pressed my lips together, trying to fight another wave of sadness that seemed to be bubbling under the surface. I wanted to be with Philit, Zilon, and Landers. Not with Tanja. Not dealing with this separation before we really had a chance to figure out what this bond between us was.
“Remember, I am a rider, Rayna. I know exactly how impossible it is to break such a strong bond. The king, in theory, knows this too. But he has never had a rider.”
That got my attention.
“It’s true,” Tanja said, reading the disbelief in my expression. “Play along with him for now. While he has always been riderless, he is still the most powerful, and he got there on his own. He doesn’t truly understand the bond that sits between you and those guys.” Tanja pointed at my chest, where my heart was. “He can’t break it, even if he tries. So wait him out for now.”
“I won’t lose them?”
“No. You won’t.” The strength of Tanja’s assurance was enough for me to reluctantly go along with what she was saying.
She was right. If I did keep throwing a fit, I could put the others in danger. That was the last thing I wanted to do.
“Okay, I’ll go along with this for now but don’t expect me to do anything that will put my bond with the guys in jeopardy.”
“I would never ask any rider to do that,” Tanja said in a soft voice, smiling again. She grabbed my hand and tugged me down the hall. “Now, we need to get you prepped for the ceremony or you’ll be late.”
“What does this prepping entail exactly?” I asked.
Tanja only laughed, never answering my question.
Chapter Three
Tanja led me through big, long hallways, passing others who were more than happy to step to the side and wait until we passed before they went about their days. I couldn’t stop my eyes from roaming around, taking in all the intricate details. Dragon designs were etched into every pillar. Dragons flying through the sky, lying on rocks, roaring to the stars, or relaxing in water. All of them were so carefully carved that I couldn’t stop looking at them.
“Keep doing that, and you’ll run into a pillar,” Tanja said as she chuckled.
I looked forward, just in time to stop before I slammed into one.
“This is our stop,” Tanja said, turning us so we faced nice looking steps that went up to big, heavy-looking double doors.
“What is this?” I asked.