Page 28 of Tammaro DeLuca
“He’ll never leave her side.” Denny chuckled.
“Don’t I know it?”
I noticed she distracted him for the entire drive. We didn’t talk the entire drive, and I figured it was because of what she’d stated to him when we’d started the drive. He was loyal to Beni. Even though they were friendly, whatever they talked about could get back to Beni if he deemed it necessary.
When we arrived at her house, Denny helped her inside and then left us alone. We went upstairs to her bedroom, where she stripped out of her clothes and into something more comfortable.
“Even if it’s only for a few nights, it feels so good to be back in my home.” She plopped on the bed and held on to her pillow.
I sat down in the chair in the corner. “How was the honeymoon?”
“It's twenty-six days long. We’re only here because of Ro. Once that’s settled, we’re going back on the road. I love it and I think if it wasn’t because I’m pregnant, I wouldn’t be this tired.”
“Agreed.” I leaned forward regarding her. “Are you happy?”
“Beyond.” She sat up against the headboard and looked at me. “Tell me what happened and not that bullshit version that Ro told Beni.”
“Well,” I started at the beginning, and she pulled out some chocolates from her purse to munch on as I talked.
“Bastard.” She mumbled when I got to the point about the contract and marriage part.
“Truth. Then he walked out on Asmaria.” I explained the rest, and she stopped chewing, completely surprised.
“So, are we going back to the house to kick his ass or what?” she asked.
“No. Now I have to figure out how to help him with his property issue so I can get out of this marriage. I don’t care about what illegal things he plans to do. All I want is out.”
“Do you? I hear something different. Before you found out that Ro was your ex, you were feeling him. Then he fucked up by forcing your hand. I get that. You’re leaving out the part where he doesn’t want to leave you alone. I understand he has this big plan of ruling the world, but think about it. The one thing he wasn’t willing to let go of was you. As twisted as it is, you’re his girl. He’s not backing out of that either. So even if you find a way out, he’s going to fight you tooth and nail to keep you.”
“He came into my room, Simone. Fucked me in my sleep all because I said that we weren’t ever doing that again.”
“Was it good?” She popped another cluster of chocolate into her mouth.
“Why do you think I was upset?” I chuckled.
“Mhm … I miss nothing. Scrap the anger and the fact that you feel used. You used him for the sex, too. That’s okay. He overstepped. Got it. But the games don’t matter because he's Asmaria's father. Can we focus on that?”
“Fine. I think his stalker crazy game is sexy.”
“Well, obviously you like crazy motherfuckers.” I pointed to the obvious a picture of Beni and Simone on the wall.
“I can’t make that feeling of being violated go away.”
“Then let him kiss it better.” She shrugged. “In every way. Want for nothing. Make him beg and grovel. He needs to prove his intentions are for real. Now and forevermore. Make him pay. While he does that, make sure that he understands you’ll leave if you want to. Fuck the five-year agreement. That shit won’t hold up in court. Its paperwork meant to show you he means business in the streets. We know that already. He’s a DeLuca. You run things in the law offices. Show him.”
I nodded, understanding. I needed to figure out how to get the realtors to go away. But, I knew that already; however, I wasn’t using it as the leverage I needed.
“Thank you, friend.” I nodded to her.
“Any time. Now, let's talk about this big ol’ house.”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s too much house for just the three of us.”
“What about more children? Do you plan to have any more?”