Page 29 of Tammaro DeLuca
“Simone, I’m not keeping Ro.” I reminded her.
She burst out laughing so hard I thought she was going to break something.
“He’s keeping you, though. Are you having more babies or not?”
“Not with him.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Avoiding the question. I didn’t like that we’d landed here on this topic.
“Do you want more children, Landy?” Her tone changed, making me regard her more seriously.
“I do.” It wasn’t a matter of whether I wanted children. It was if I could have them.
“Then why not with your husband?” She asked.
“Because he forced my hand and took away my options.” When he left, a lot of things happened, including me being in terrible relationships. If he had stuck around, maybe they wouldn’t have happened. Maybe not.
“Would you have married him if he’d have dropped on your doorstep and said ‘hey, I’m about to blackmail your father? Still love me?’”
“Probably not.” I laughed at her silly question.
“Maybe now you understand why he went drastic to get your attention. It was a no-win situation for him. Blackmailing your father was always going to happen. He had to figure out how to keep you in his clutches when it happened. What happened with your father was about them. Your father and him. The marriage part was about you two. Him and you. They aren’t the same or related the way you think. One wasn’t for the other. Each was about the person he was facing off with. Your father and you. Blackmail and marriage. He knew blackmailing him was going to hurt you. Whatever secret they aren’t telling you that your father did, that’s also to protect you. However, it’s also the wedge that is keeping you from following your heart.”
I sat quietly, not liking what she had to say.
“Remove the blackmail. It leaves you with love, marriage, and forever. Was it romantic? Nope. Well, maybe if you’re into it, which you clearly aren’t. However, spending a week fucking your defenses away was clever. Now you know what you’ll be missing.”
“I thought you were my friend, not his.” I sighed.
“I am. I just see the logic in what he did. He couldn’t walk away from your offer. You wanted to have sex this first time. Once he was in it, he couldn’t walk away. I get it. When it’s good, it’s good, girl.”
I shook my head and laughed at her. “This is why I don’t talk to you.”
“No, you don’t talk to me because it’s expensive. International calls aren’t to be played with.”
“Fair point.”
We continued talking and ended up watching a movie before Simone fell asleep. Denny took me home and when I got there, Ro was sitting in the living room waiting for me.
“Hey.” I said when he stood.
“Hey,” he turned off the tv and sat up. “Can we talk?”
I nodded and sat down beside him. “What’s going on?”
“I did some thinking and you’re right. I don’t want to force you to be here with me.” He handed me an envelope.
I looked at it, not sure if I wanted to know what was inside.
“Go on.”
I found an annulment inside signed by him.
“I know it doesn’t make up for anything. However, I needed you to know that I meant what I said. I love you. Whether we’re married won’t change that. Also, if there’s another house that you want instead of this one, we can move. I won’t pressure you to share a room with me. But I’m not moving out or ceasing to stop pursuing you. I’m evening the playing field. You’re mine. I’m yours. Asmaria is ours. Nothing else matters.”
I looked down at the letter but kept my mouth closed. He’d killed my plan with just one letter. Now what was I supposed to do?
“Okay. Since you have nothing to say, I’m going to bed. We can talk whenever you’re ready. I’ll be here.” He leaned over and kissed my lips, pulling me into the kiss. Then he pulled away and stood. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
Then he left me alone, holding my mouth and trying to figure out what in the hell I was supposed to do now. He’d removed the fight, leaving me with only decisions to make. What the fuck?