Page 40 of Tammaro DeLuca
“It was the same cop, Daddy.” She confessed immediately. “The one from the school and he was also there the day Cruz followed me into the salon.”
“What did he want?” I asked her.
“He kept asking where you were. When I told him I didn’t know, it only made him angrier. Then he had that smile on his face that stayed there while he choked me.”
“He smiled?” I tilted my head to make sure that I’d heard her correctly.
“He did.”
I’d give his ass something to smile about.
“Thank you, Honeydew. I’ll be right back. I need to talk to Cruz.”
She nodded, and I rushed from the room to find him.
“Boss, I swear I didn’t know.” He said as I approached.
“He had to be in that house before she got there.” I growled, cutting him off.
I’d ran the possibilities through my head several times while talking to Yolanda during that cab ride. If Cruz was inside, there were only a few ways that he could have gotten to her room.
“Was his car there when you arrived?” I asked.
“No, there weren’t any added cars in the parking area.”
I wasn’t buying that he’d teleported into that room and then out. Something more was at stake.
“Get the car. We’re about to hunt this fucker down.” I growled.
“I thought you’d never say that.” He darted away, and I followed him. Once I was inside the car, I gave him directions.
First, we were going to the scene of the crime. I called Beni to find out if he had any leads. He gave me Shield’s home address and also where to find his ex-wife.
“Let me know when you find him, and I’ll send backup.” He said.
“I can’t let him live, Beni.” I admitted. “He won’t stop coming for her.”
“I know.” He sighed. “Remember, he’s a cop.”
It wouldn’t be swept underneath the rug when they found him. They’d press until they found the person responsible. I understood that, but I kept seeing Asmaria’s face. Whatever happened to me after I showed him who the hell he’s fucked with. If that meant that I went to jail for life, then so be it. I wouldn’t stand by and let him get away with this.
Nope. Buddy was about to pay for his infraction with his life. No change.
My father called me while the doctors were checking Asmaria out again. They were nervous about her vocal cords and other things pertaining to her throat. I stepped aside to answer the phone.
“Is she okay?” He asked with panic clear in his tone.
“Yes, how did you find out?” I asked him.
“It doesn’t matter. What happened?”
“Some cop broke into our home and tried to force information out of her. He smacked her around and choked her until she passed out.”
“Oh no. No. No. No. No. What was she doing in that house? She wasn’t supposed to be there.”