Page 41 of Tammaro DeLuca
“Daddy? What do you mean, she wasn’t supposed to be in there?” I stepped outside in the hallway to make sure that Asmaria didn’t hear me.
“Nothing, baby. Nothing at all.” He sounded as if he were crying, then the line disconnected.
I called back, and the phone went directly to voicemail. I phoned my mother, and she didn’t answer. Getting worried, I dialed Ro, but my mother was calling back, so I answered it instead.
She sounded congested when she responded. “Yes, baby. What’s going on?”
“Are you okay?” I asked her.
“I hope so. What’s going on with you?”
I sighed, tired of all the lies. “Mama, it sounds like you’ve been crying. What’s going on?”
“I got a letter yesterday. Seems as if you’re going to be a big sister. There were photos inside of your father and his new family.”
“What do you mean?” I gripped the phone tighter, hoping that she wasn’t saying what I thought she was.
“Your father has a girlfriend. She’s got two children and a third one on the way. They’re all his. Young children. Five, three, and the one in her stomach. I knew we were having problems, but I didn’t think it’d gotten to this point. He won’t talk to me about it. Been in that office of his since I asked for answers. It’s alright. She gave them to me, along with her number. We had a delightful conversation. She thinks there are others. I don’t care about any of it because I told him he’s got to go. I don’t want to be part of this, because I promised my heart to him, not him and all his other women and children. Baby, I’m done.” She sniffed, and I knew she was hurting.
“I’m so sorry, Mama.” I wished I could go through the phone to comfort her.
Though I’ve always been Daddy’s girl, my mother was always my heart. She’s always been my biggest fan.
“It’s alright, baby. It hurts now, but the heart is strong. I’ll heal. Where’s my other baby?”
“She’s here.”
“Mrs. DeLuca, the doctor wants to see you now.”
“Doctor? Yolanda, what’s happening? Why is calling you Mrs. DeLuca?”
Shame washed over me. I’d kept away from my mother because I didn’t know what to say to her. Where to begin?
“I’ve found Asmaria’s father. His last name is DeLuca. We’re at the hospital because somebody broke into our home and attacked her.”
Mama gasped. “Is she alright?”
“Her cheek is bruised and because she was choked, they’re checking her throat.”
“Nothing else?”
I sighed, fearing the same thing when I heard. “Nothing else, Mama. Some bully cop that likes to go around scaring kids.”
“Cop? There was one around here earlier asking your father questions. He was upset about something, and they argued a little. It’s another thing he doesn’t want to answer questions about. It was the only time he came out of that office.”
“What’s he look like?” I asked her.
“Some black guy. Short. Chip on his shoulder. Some kind of hand tattoo with a bird.”
“No, that’s not him. This guy is white, maybe even Italian.”
“Hmm … well, let me know if there’s something you need. How do you feel about coming to stay here for a few days?”
“I don’t know. I have a strange feeling that Daddy isn’t finished with his secrets. He called asking about Asmaria and I had told nobody anything.”
“He did?” she asked. “Well, I’ll find out why. I’m tired of him being locked in that damn room, anyway. He’s gonna have to come out sometime, and this seems like the perfect time for it. I’ll call you later. Come on out of this office!” She banged on the door before she disconnected the line.