Page 19 of Doc
My body vibrates with anger, and I rev my bike, driving away from the bitch before I burn the building down. My mind is going crazy as my speed down the road increases.
Ken...why in the fuck did she do that?
Why did she put herself at risk and bury that body?
I shake my head, tears starting to burn my eyes as I command the bike to go faster. She loves me, that's why she did it, and that bitch has wanted me for years and is fucking crazy; crazy enough to follow me around, and blackmail a fucking brother. I knew I should have gotten the club involved back then, but my anger took hold, my love for Kennedy blinding me, and now it's biting me in the ass.
I skid to a stop along the road near lookout point, breathing hard as my tears fall and pressure builds in my chest, the air suffocating me. I know what I have to do if I can’t find the other video. I'm going to have to break my girl's heart to keep her safe, breaking my own heart in the process.
I look down and shake my head, feeling so fucking angry at Ken for doing that, for burying a fucking body, because now that I've finally got her, I'm going to lose her.
I need help.
My jaw ticks as I grab my phone, calling the one person I hope can help me with this. Maybe he’ll give me some advice, so I don't lose the one who owns my body and soul. I know I can’t get the club involved yet; Prue being a loose cannon.
He answers after the sixth ring and rasps, "Son, please tell me someone is dying right now." I let out a sob, no longer a man but a small boy needing his father. "Son, talk me…."
I shake my head and whisper, "I need you, Dad."
Kennedy – Two Weeks Later
I spin my phone between my fingers, trying to hold my tears. He told me he'd be in touch, but I haven't heard from him in two weeks. I returned to working day shifts at the hospital, only to find out he'd taken a sabbatical, and he went radio silent.
I've called several times, and nothing.
This isn't normal, right?
I gave him my virginity and finally told him how I felt after he claimed me, only to ignore me…. That cannot be normal.
Is he ghosting me?
Did he use me, and I fell for it?
Some of my tears escape, and I quickly wipe them away, ready to try and call Lucas again, refusing to ask Alex and bring him into the middle of my love life drama. I hear my mother call for me, making me sigh. I was hoping she'd be passed out by now. I walked in this evening after my shift to see her doing lines of cocaine.
Oh, how the mighty has fallen.
Shaking my head, I get up, put my phone in my jeans, grab my keys, and go see what my darling mother wants.
I lock my door, a habit I've got myself into after she ransacked it a few months ago. Thankfully, she didn’t find my savings underneath the floorboard.
I go to the living area, where my dad is already passed out on his chair, while Momma is watching two women make out. Her head turns toward when I walk in, her brown eyes glassy from the drugs.
She smiles condescendingly and rasps, "I'm going to need you to up your payments. Bills have gotten higher."
I just stare at her. I'm already giving her half of my wages, and she knows this. She sees my pay stubs each month. Their bills haven't gone up, her drug use has.
I don't think I can do this crap anymore, and honestly, with Lucas now ignoring me, the job in New York is looking more and more appealing.
I sigh. "Sorry, Momma, but I can't give you any more than I already am. I can barely afford gas and food as it is." Her eyes harden as she stands up in nothing but a bra and panties, but I don't back down. I state, "Also, I may be moving, and I need to save as much as I can."
Her eyes widen in shock at my revelation, and she sneers, "And where would you move to, huh? Half your money comes to me, so I know you can't afford an apartment."
I try not to smirk. I’m going to tell her something I've wanted to all these years—to finally knock her off that ego pedestal. I admit, "Actually, Momma, I've been handpicked to attend a program where they train you to become a NICU nurse with the best of the best pediatricians. New York General, the main hospital doing the program, wants me, and is giving me accommodation and travel expenses."
Her face goes red. I'm basically living her life, and she hates it. She chose this path of drugs and debauchery, while watching the daughter she resents, living her best life.