Page 20 of Doc
Momma looks at the women, then Daddy, before her body starts to shake, and before I can blink, she's in front of me, her fist hitting my lip, making me fall into the wall.
Wow, that flipping hurt.
I blink several times, my eyes tearing up from the pain as I taste blood. I look at my mother, who has tears running down her cheeks, shame etching her features as she looks at my lip before she sneers, "You are not allowed to go. You are my daughter; I birthed you. You go to work right now and decline that job."
With that she turns and walks away toward the women, bending behind one to lick her out, making bile rise.
I quickly leave.
I can't stay here anymore. She thinks she owns me, but she doesn't, and I'm done being blackmailed into staying here just so she can live the life she's living with drugs and sex.
I climb into my car and check the mirror, wincing at my cut lip. I quickly start my car up, pulling away from the curb.
I'll come home once everyone is passed out and grab my stuff. It's time I start living for myself and not everyone else. It's time I speak to the man who owns my heart, and see where I stand, so I can finally move on with my life.
With a sniffle, I grab my phone and call Aunt Shelly, asking if I can stay at her place tonight. She agrees, and I head to the club where, hopefully, I can speak to Lucas.
Maybe he's been on club business and just couldn't contact me?
Or maybe he never loved me at all….
Fifteen minutes later, Tim, the prospect and local farm boy, lets me in with a wave, and I park. I notice Alex isn't here, and I sigh, wishing he was; one of his hugs sounds good right about now. With my slumped shoulders, fed up with everything, I head inside and look around the room filled with brothers, old ladies, and clubwhores who want a brother's patch. Honestly, from the outside, this place looks like a normal warehouse, but on the inside, it's rustic and homey.
I notice Lola and smile but my heart sinks, my smile faltering when I don't see Doc. I head over to her.
I really need to see him; until we talk, I don’t think I’ll be able to breathe properly.
I sit next to her, smiling, but her smile soon fades, seeing my lip.
I chuckle a little and state, "Remember when you fell over in tenth grade, and your skirt flipped up in front of everyone, including your crush Zac, and you were wearing your old Barbie panties?" her face goes red, her eyes widening at the memory, and I chuckle. "Yeah, I did that an hour ago, only it wasn't in front of a crush but half the college's hockey team at the hospital."
Her eyes nearly pop out of her eye sockets in shock before she starts to laugh, and I grin, mostly to hide my sigh of relief. I didn't exactly lie because, yes, that did happen today. Thankfully,I was wearing my scrub bottoms. Lola isn't aware of my home life, only that I don't get along with my parents. I haven't even told her that Alex is my cousin, mainly because she can't keep a secret to save her life. I still love her, though.
I smile as she winces at my lip, before movement to my right catches my eye, and I have to do a double look.
Please, no….
My heart thumps hard before it shatters when I see Prue wearing Doc's cut, her arm around his waist, her head on his chest while he has his arm over her shoulder, and tears build.
No, please, no.
"Hey, do you want to go shopping with me tomorrow?" I ignore Lola's question as my eyes make contact with the ones I love so much, and guilt shines back at me, and I know…he lied to me.
Son of a….
"Kennedy, are you alright?" Lola asks, concerned, her hand gripping my arm as Doc looks away from me.
I shake my head and whisper, admitting, "I gave your brother my virginity, Lo."
She sucks in a breath. I look at her, allowing a few tears to fall, and admit, "I've been in love with him since I was twelve, but I didn't think he felt the same." Her eyes fill with tears at my pain. "Two weeks ago, he told me he wasn't with Prue, and he told me he loved me. He even has my name tatted on the side of his neck." Pain slices through me as tears slide down my friend's cheeks. "He told me he wanted to marry me and give me his cut." She furrows her brows before looking toward the bar to see where I was looking, and anger etches over her form, her body stiffening, her fists balled. I admit, "He hasn't contacted me for two weeks, and now I know why."
She goes to stand up, but I quickly grab her hand to keep her in her seat, making her look at me, and I shake my head at her as Crow, Doc's dad, states loudly, "Brothers, my son has an announcement to make."
Oh God, he's going to do it in front of me?
I look and see he's still not looking at me, but she is, and she has a wicked gleam in her eyes.