Page 41 of I Love My Mistake
Jess hugs her and says, “I know. I know you guys better than you think I do.”
Amber pulls away. “Wait. Is Chris the guy from San Francisco?”
Jess’s face falls a little. “No. Chris lives here. I could never date someone long distance after what happened with David. But that guy was amazing. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.”
I shake my head fast like a dog out of a bath, throw up my hands, and announce, “I’ve always said I have psychic abilities, but let me just say it right now. I don’t! I did NOT see this coming! In fact, life has been surprising me left and right!”
“Here you go,” Chris says, as he returns and hands Jess her cocktail.
Jess lifts her glass. “To surprises!”
The four of us bring them in together and clink. “To surprises!”
As the night goes on, Chris completely wins us over. He seems to just get it, and he fits right in like he’s always been a part of the group. He’s a great listener; adding things when he has something interesting to add, keeping quiet when he doesn’t. He finds our interactions funny, and he watches us with a smile on his face. He even appreciates the story of how the bartender got my number last night, and wishes me well on my date next Friday.
Truth? I was really excited about that date until I saw these two. There’s something about when two people fit. It makes it obvious when two people don’t. And sure, I don’t know Sexy Bartender yet (that’s the name I’ve given him since I don’t know his name) but I didn’t think, this is the guy when I met him. I thought, wow, this guy has some courage. And I like his facial hair.
Which is cool, but it’s not even close to the same.
Amber, though, gets quieter and quieter as the night progresses. At one point, I follow her into the bathroom to ask, “You okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re lying to me right now.”
She shrugs behind a sad smile. “Let’s just be happy for Jess tonight. It’s great to see her doing to so well, you know? I don’t want to spoil it with my boring problems.”
I tilt my head and narrow my eyes, not sure what I should do. She walks out the door, doesn’t give me a chance to argue. Maybe she’s right and we should just celebrate tonight. But there’s a feeling in my gut that says something is rotten, and she is not okay.