Page 42 of I Love My Mistake
Chapter Twenty-Three
Friday Night - An Apple For An Apple…
My phone goes off and it’s a text from Sexy Bartender. How am I going to ask him what his name is? This is awkward. We’ve texted several times throughout the week, and it got a little heated, yet still I haven’t found a way to ask, “What is your freaking name?”
On Sunday Morning
Sexy Bartender: Looking forward to Friday.
Me: Me too. Where are we going?
Sexy Bartender: Wherever you want to go. No limits necessary
Me: I like the sound of that.
On Tuesday Afternoon
Sexy Bartender: Had a dream about you.
Me: Oh?
Sexy Bartender: Oh yeah.
Me: It’s 3:00 p.m.
Sexy Bartender: I just woke up. I work until 4, remember? ;)
(Not sure I like that.) Me: Gotcha. What was the dream about?
Sexy Bartender: You were naked with me under a waterfall in the Caribbean.
(Now that I like) Me: Were you enjoying yourself?
Sexy Bartender: Not as much as you were.
Me: Oh my…
Sexy Bartender: Yeah. I hope this isn’t coming on too strong. I can’t help my subconscious.
Me: Lol. No, you can’t. And no…you’re not.
Sexy Bartender: Good, because I can’t get you out of my mind.
Me: Me, or my body?
Sexy Bartender: Both. Thank God they’re connected.
Me: Lol
(Silence after that. I hate it when they disappear mid-conversation.)
On Thursday Afternoon
Sexy Bartender: Hey.
Me: Hey.
Sexy Bartender: What’re you doing?