Page 81 of I Love My Mistake
Chapter Thirty-Six
8:45 P.M.
Amber, Jess and I all sit on the booth side of the table facing the small narrow room of Angel’s Share, with me on the far right end. We’re all facing the entrance. Chris and Josh are sitting opposite Jess and Amber. An empty seat waits in front of me. To our right is a beautiful painting of angels above the bar, its style that of the Italian paintings from Michelangelo’s time, kind of like it’s a section cut out from the Sistine Chapel. The two male bartenders – wearing all black, both Asian, both smiling – work incredibly fast, mixing great drinks for the very thirsty, easy-going Eastside crowd.
Amber’s adorable and glowing, a cashmere blue sweater bringing out her eyes. Jess’s red hair is down too, but she’s wearing an all-black outfit that’s very striking on her. I’ve got a thigh-length, long-sleeved, purple dress on with high, gray boots, and a thick scarf. My hair is straight and shining, just as I’ve been wearing it since Michael and I stopped doing whatever it was we were doing. I kind of miss my natural hair, though. There’s something more me about it. Or the deeper side of me, anyway. Luckily I had a chance to take a much-needed nap before I got here. I’m very excited. I can’t get this smile off of my face!
I want this moment to be perfect.
Amber and I have Jess seated in between us. Since she can’t sit opposite us to see our faces like she normally prefers, we put her here. We teased her about it, of course. “You always get the best seat, Jess.” “Yeah, what makes you so special?” “Oh shut up.”
“I’m so excited to meet your guy!” Jess squeals, tickling me. I laugh and push her away.
Amber grins at Jess. “I already met him! Ha. Ha.”
Jess squishes up her nose. “Bragger. Well, I was busy. Wasn’t I?” Jess looks to Chris and plays footsy with him under the table. He grabs her leg, making her smile. We’re all in a great mood and on our first drinks. It’s going to be a great night. Heart beating fast, I look down at my phone to see a text from Mark saying he’s on his way. Five minutes at the most.
“He’s coming,” I announce, thrilled. Everyone smiles at me.
Amber points. “Look at your face! I had something to do with this. I’m just saying.”
Josh leans forward in a bow. “No. This was all me!” I give him a look and wink. It’s so nice how they’re all excited for me.
As Amber, Jessica and I clink glasses, Chris and Josh go back to their conversation about architecture. Chris has been telling Josh about a structure he’s tearing down in SoHo to build a stronger, modern skyscraper in its place.
I lean toward my girls. “Josh and Chris have a bromance.”
Jess nods. “They love each other.”
Amber whispers, “Love at first sight.”
Both guys shoot us impatient glances. Josh wipes his dark hair away from his forehead, his green eyes narrowing.
Chris says simply. “We heard that. We’re sitting right here.”
Amber blows Josh a kiss. He catches it with his hand and lowers it to his lap. She kicks him under the table. He just laughs, sharing a look with Chris like he’s telling him guy-to-guy that the sex is amazing in their relationship. Thank God for that. Man were they fucked up. But that’s a whole other story. Just like Chris and Jess is a whole other story. Looking at them, I’m so happy for her finding a guy who makes her happy. But truth? I’m more happy for my friends now that I’m happy. Because the newest relationship… is mine.
Holy shit. I’m in a relationship! I think? Am I? My stomach jumps around and twerks. Yes, I just said that.
I don’t have to wait long because I see him now. He just strolled into the bar and is looking for me. Butterflies wiggle in my tummy. I can see by his expression that he’s excited, too. God, it feels good to meet someone who feels the same way you do. I stand up, wave my hand and catch his eye.
At the same time, Chris is sharing a moment with Jess. She rises up to reach and touch the tip of his nose. “You’re so cute.” Chris bites at her finger.
Amber waves at Mark, seeing him as I do. She whispers up to Jess, “He’s here! Look!”
Jess looks up. She freezes.
Mark sees Jess and his face jerks with confusion and surprise. His eyes dart between us.
At the same time Jess and I say, “Mark!”
My voice is happy – hers, freaked as hell. Jess looks like she’s about to lose her top.
I ask her, “What’s going on? How do you know Mark?” I turn to Mark. “Mark? How do you know Jessica?”
His mouth opens. He is so stunned, he can’t speak.
Amber blurts out, “Oh my God. Mark is the guy from San Francisco!”