Page 36 of Rough
“I guess if there’s no choice…” Garret trailed off, staring into space as if everything that was happening was a dream.
Garret began going through the process of evacuating everyone out of the building, apologizing profusely for the inconvenience with a shocked look on his face.
“I can’t believe this…,” he kept muttering to himself under his breath.
I wanted to comfort him, but he was in a complete daze.
I hung around after the club members left.
“That’s everyone,” Garret said with a resigned sigh.
“I’m sorry,” I said, and I hoped he would hear the earnestness in my voice.
Garret looked at me as if he was staring through me, not at me. “Why did this happen?”
“I don’t know.” I gave him a look of chagrin.
A furious frown darkened Garret’s features as if something suddenly dawned on him. “Nelson,” he snarled through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry?” I gave him a confused glance.
Garret lifted his eyes and looked at me. “I know that Nelson is behind this too, just like the liquor license.”
“Do you really think so?” It was quite an accusation, but then again, it was an awfully big coincidence that both issues would happen back to back.
“We need to fix these minuscule issues so we can reopen the club, as early as tomorrow,” Garret said and began rushing around. “I think I have some extra batteries for this exit light…”
“Just try to calm down,” I told him and cupped my hand over his shoulder. “We’ll figure this out.”
I didn’t know much about Nelson, but Garret had told me little morsels of information, and I remembered seeing their tense encounter at the post office.
“What can I do to help?” I asked, just throwing it out there in case Garret wanted to put me to work too.
He gave me a look of adoration. He cupped his hands over my cheeks and pressed his mouth to mine again. His lips tasted warm and delicious. “Just the fact that you are here at all soothes me.”
“Thanks.” My heart pounded at his compliment. “I can’t believe that someone from the city government would be doing Nelson’s bidding for him.”
“It’s truly appalling.” Garret nodded in agreement. “I honestly feel… harassed.” Garret looked beside himself with torment.
“You should feel harassed. It’s disgusting behavior if Nelson really is behind all this,” I said.
Garret’s cheeks were flushed. I was outraged on his behalf. I wished there was something I could do for him. I felt as helpless as he looked.
“Hey,” I whispered gently as I approached Garret. “It’s going to be okay. I’m right here with you, every step of the way. There’s no obstacle we can’t overcome.”
Garret’s eyes began to brighten in response to my attempt to placate him. “Thank you,” he muttered, still gazing into my eyes.
I wrapped my arms around his waist. “I just want to comfort you all night long if that’s what you want me to do.”
“I appreciate that.” Garret nodded in understanding.
“Do you want to go back to your sexy room?” I asked with a grin. “The one with all the chains and whips? It could take your mind off of things…”
Garret stared blankly into space before making eye contact with me again. “I would love to.”
I took his hand and he led us back to the room. He closed and locked the door behind him. He was still on edge.
I brushed my hands through his hair. “Let me take the pain away.”