Page 37 of Rough
I was surprised when Garret didn’t try to blindfold me, tie me up, or chain me to anything. He planted soft kisses all over my body until I was flooded with ecstasy. He ran his fingers up and down my chest and back. He moved with passion, with anger, with inspired hope.
Our bodies melded together. Now, it wasn’t about the dominant and the submissive. Now, we were comforting each other, but me giving more to him, which I was surprised he let me do. I read his wilted body language, touching him until I brought him back to life.
He still took the wheel, however. He bent me over, breathing heavily. He hiked me over a leather bed that looked more like a cot than a bed because it didn’t have any sheets on it. He fumbled to undress me from the waist down. I heard him unlatching his belt and opening a condom wrapper.
He grabbed a bottle of lube and began vigorously slathering it on his cock. He pushed himself inside me with a sense of frantic purpose. We groaned together as he almost violently thrust himself inside me. He grabbed my hips and pulled my hair. I cried with deep pleasure, consenting to the immense passion.
His cock slammed into me one enthusiastic pump at a time. I groaned and dug my nails into the leather of the bed that I was bent over. Garret’s breathing was intense, and so was his thrusting.
It almost hurt, but it felt too good to hurt. I didn’t mind if Garret wanted to unload his frustrations on me. I was there for him, just as I had promised.
With one last intense thrust, he grabbed my hips and yanked me backward. I came in that instant with his cock buried deep inside me. I felt him explode. His hot seed poured into the condom, giving the inside rim of my hole a warm splashing sensation.
Garret groaned. His body went limp and he let go of me, panting hard. I was sweaty. I couldn’t move. My entire body felt numb and like jelly.
“I needed that,” he said after he had composed himself and slid out of me. He tossed the condom in the trash and handed me a towel to clean myself with.
I smiled, turning around to face him. “We both did.”
“Stress relief.” His face was glowing in the aftermath of our urgent sex. He chuckled with exhaustion.
I wrapped my arms around him and pressed our chests together. I craved to feel his heart beating in unison with mine.
He stroked my back. “Thank you.” He nestled his head into the crook of my neck. I wanted to freeze this moment in time, a vulnerable Garret who needed me.
I was in my office when Carol knocked on the door.
“What?” I asked a little too abrasively, instantly wishing I could take back my sharp tone.
It wasn’t my intention to bark at Carol, but I was just trying to stay in my office, away from people while I tried to sort out the mess with the fire marshal and the liquor license suspension.
The less interaction I had with others, the better because I was ready to bite anyone’s head off who crossed me, even in the most trivial way. I wasn’t normally like this. I hated the way the stress of the situation was playing with my emotions, and more importantly, I hated how poorly I was reacting to them.
“The fire marshal is here,” she informed me meekly from the other side of the door without opening it. To be fair, I hadn’t invited her in, either. “He’s going to reinspect the issues and if everything looks up to code, he’ll allow you to get the doors open and we’ll be back up and running tonight.”
Her voice sounded springy and hopeful by the end of the explanation, so I did my best to try and feed off that energy because God knew I needed a positive boost. I had a support system, but I wasn’t being as receptive to them as I probably should have been.
“I’ll be right out,” I sighed after a pause.
I took a deep breath to gear myself up for this inevitably uncomfortable confrontation. I just hoped that if things didn’t work out, that I wouldn’t automatically react by punching the guy in the face.
Carol escorted me to the front lobby where the fire marshal was waiting. We did a run-through of the entire club. Everything had been fixed as he’d requested and there was nothing else that wasn’t up to code.
He gave me a begrudging look, pulled up a screen on his tablet and told me to sign. “You can reopen your business at this time.”
I could tell that it nearly killed him to allow it. I couldn’t do anything but give him the smuggest smile I had to offer. I had won the first battle. I had to take the small blessings whenever they came my way.
I saw him to the door and resisted the temptation to kick him in the ass on his way out, but I knew what boundaries not to cross.
As I spun around, Carol was there with a huge grin on her face. “Thank goodness that’s over. We got the club back.”
I allowed myself to breathe a sigh of relief. “Yes, at least we can open our doors tonight, but the no alcohol rule is really depleting sales fast.”
Carol looked at the floor. Her posture slightly wilted with chagrin. “Yes, I know.”