Page 22 of Peaked Desires
She’s sitting by the fire as I prepare myself to go and survey the damage. She’s got a blanket wrapped around her as she stares into the flames. A hushed stillness waits outside, but I’m not sure I’m prepared for what comes next.
“You doing ok?” I ask, kneeling down to kiss her.
She smiles up at me, the reflection of the flickering flames dancing in those beautiful eyes. “Yeah, thanks.”
“I’m heading out to take a look around,” I say, holding her hand. “You staying here?”
She gives me a cheeky grin and winks. “Maybe…”
I growl like a bear. “Not funny.”
Elise looks past me, out towards the battered grounds. “It looks bad out there.”
I nod, staring at the fallen structure of me and my father. I worked so hard on it, months of meticulous work, only for it to be destroyed in a matter of moments.
“It’s not going to be pretty. But I need to know where we stand for the Grand Opening. I’ll have to make a call early whether we go ahead or not.”
Elise rises and brushes herself down. “I’ll come with you.” She squeezes my hand as I begin to protest, cutting my words short. “Let’s go.”
We move towards the door, and I see Tracy give Elise a wink. Some kind of girl-code, but I ignore it and hold the door for Elise.
The air feels clean the moment we step out. It’s like it’s been washed, scrubbed raw to start over again. It’s Mother Nature’s way of refreshing the mountain. Elise takes a deep breath, simultaneous to me as we draw the fresh cool air in. I look up, the blue sky visible again, like nothing has ever happened.
But then I take a few more steps along the path.
Elise catches her gasp with her hand. She grips my hand as we step over a fallen branch. My throat closes over, breathing suddenly impossible.
Debris is strewn everywhere. Branches snapped and leaves plastered to the muddy earth. I can hear the river still rushing with a ferocity that scares the shit out of me.
Everything is battered. Everything broken.
We’re fucked.
Isee the hurt in his eyes and I go to him. Leaning up on my toes, I still can’t reach his mouth. My hands wrap around his neck, bringing his lips closer to mine.
I kiss him. Then I do it again.
“We’re going to get through this,” I whisper, kissing Huxton one more time before letting go.
He doesn’t smile.
It’s nothing new, but the determination in his eyes is gone. The drive that’s got him this far, the passion and love for this project. Everything that I’ve fallen in love with - it’s not there.
“I don’t even know where to start,” Huxton says, kicking a window shutter that’s blown off a nearby cabin.
I pick it up, walk over and hold it in place. “You could grab a hammer?”
His brow crinkles in confusion. I can see he wants to argue with me, it’s just his nature. He doesn’t like being told what to do, but I’m not backing down.
“Listen,” I say, stepping back over to him. “We can wallow in pity all day, feeling sorry for ourselves. We can call off the Grand Opening and delay it by a few months. Or, we can get to work, just like you have for the past…” I throw my hands up in the air. “… fuck knows how long and get this done.”
Huxton stands still as I grab him, holding his big arms.
“She’s right,” a voice forces Huxton to turn around.