Page 23 of Peaked Desires
It’s Tracy. And she’s gripping a power drill.
All the staff are streaming out of the restaurant, looking around at the damage. A few of them pick up broken twigs and branches, placing them in a stack, ready to move to the forest.
Huxton clenches his jaw and looks at me. I smile and it’s like a switch is flicked in his head.
My tummy flutters as he rolls up his sleeves, exposing those enormous arms. He mutters ‘I love you’ to me and that smoldering, steely gaze moves to lock on his team of staff. Like the true man I’ve fallen for, he starts barking orders.
His deep voice bounces around the site, making the hairs on my arms rise. Powerful. Demanding. He’s everything we need to get this job done.
Excitement and chatter flares as people get to work.
Huxton turns to me and smiles.
“Well, what should I do?” I ask, slapping my hands together, ready to get to work.
Huxton moves closer, bending down to kiss me. “You can do… me.”
One Week Later
“And here are your keys. I hope you enjoy your stay at Mountain Retreat Lodge.”
A young couple on their honeymoon smile and make their way to their cabin. I barely have time to clear their paperwork due to the long line of guests waiting in front of me. So I add their profile to the pile I’ll do tonight when I’m sitting by the fire in Huxton’s cabin.
Or should I say, our cabin.
I’ve spent every night since the storm snuggled up in the warmth of Huxton’s beautiful home. My lodging at the staff cabin has been vacant, but nobody bothers to ask why. It’s pretty obvious.
We officially opened this morning and Huxton has been busy with interviews and photographs all morning. Everyone has been so excited to be the first guests to stay at the newest five-star lodging in the state, and so far, none of them have been double booked. Yay me!
The recovery effort was amazing. We worked night and day, but everyone pitched in, and we got over line with a day to spare. Luckily the expert craftmanship saved a lot of the cabins, and the fixes were mostly decorative.
We had to make some small changes to cover the wounds of the storm. After receiving such a lashing, some of the landscape was beyond repair. It wasn’t all lost though, and a new courtyard near the restaurant was added to make up for the broken memorial of Huxton’s father.
“Are you ready for lunch?” A deep voice fills the office.
I turn around and see the man of the moment. He’s wearing a beautiful new shirt today, albeit still fitting of his mountain man roots. I tried to get him to wear a vest over his green and white plaid shirt, but it appears as though that request has gone unanswered.
“Where is your vest, mister?” I say, moving back from the reception desk.
He chuckles and holds my hips. “I just thought I’d get a head start on the undressing part…”
I raise my brows. “Oh, is that right?”
The other girls I’ve been training this week take over as I slip out for my break with Huxton. There is a bustle of energy surrounding the place today with guests, journalists and entertainment everywhere you look.
The morning sun has a heat to it now and the aroma of garlic and freshly baked bread comes from the restaurant, mixing perfectly with the earthiness of the forest. Guests are everywhere, mingling with each other, admiring the blooming wildflowers and breathtaking scenery.
They’re all smiling and enjoying Huxton’s vision.
“Well, we did it,” I say, sliding my hand in Huxton’s.
“Almost,” he says, his boots crunching on the soft gravel as we turn the corner to the new garden courtyard. “There’s just one more thing to celebrate.”
I rack my brain, not even noticing Huxton letting go of me. What have we forgotten? Everything went off perfectly this morning.
I step around the corner, following Huxton’s lunging steps. My eyes grow wide as I see lines of people standing behind bunches of flowers scattered on the ground. There is a gorgeous view of the valley behind them, the towering mountains off in the distance adding to the picturesque view.