Page 19 of Gemini
He continued pressing kisses to my chest once more. “Is this just playing or would you want to do that?”
“How about when I’m back in New York next, I’ll get everything for it,” I said.
“Planning to meet me again after this weekend then?”
I hadn’t intended on making that sound like it did, but I was never afraid to make a plan, especially not when that current plan was rubbing up against me. “If you don’t mind seeing me again,” I said. “But just a fair warning, I can’t remember the last time I double dipped.”
“Double dipped,” he giggled. “We had sex twice yesterday, you already did double dip.”
He got me there. It all felt like one long date, even with the long lunch I had with my friend. And then it took him until the evening to message me, but all I’d been able to think about until then was him. I suspected there were reasons for that, including the fact that Spence was practically on my front door step, and he’d hit on me first, although that wasn’t unusual, but it was when they cupped my cock in as I spotted them at the gym.
“Then I might as well ask you for a second, official date,” I said. “But on that date, I’m all green, and you’re tied to this bed.”
He looked at me with wide eyes, nodding. “I accept.”
Nobody else had opened up to me about their sexual wants in the way he had. Maybe that was because of a language barrier, there was only so much Google could translate I suppose. “But you’ll have to wait. I’m kinda on the big side, it’s gonna take a while to paint.”
“We’ve got all day,” he said. “How about our second date starts when we buy green body paint?”
“You want it now? This weekend?”
“I—” he sighed. “I do, but I don’t want you to think I’m trying to start up a relationship with you. I know you’re not the type.”
I almost bit my tongue. Not the type. He was right. I hadn’t been the type, but I also hadn’t been the type to have a guy stay over, and I also wasn’t the type to want to chase a guy down to give him my number. There were a lot of things I wasn’t, and in the last twenty-four hours, maybe I was beginning to think differently. Especially everyone around me was getting all cute and coupley. Maybe playing coupley took us on the path to actually becoming a couple.
“Are you ok?” he asked, his hand pressing on the left side of my chest. “Your heart’s beating very fast.”
“I’m great. I’m just—I’m trying to think about where I could get enough body paint to cover me,” I said. “Because I promised myself this weekend was going to be about fun, and you’re my key to fun.”
He reached down, hand over my cock. “You’re the key,” he said. “I’m the lock. Let’s get that right.”
I kissed his forehead. Catching myself in couple mode. I wondered if I could slip out of it, but I was enjoying it. Being a couple could be fun, a couple that aren’t in the same city as each other for two thirds of the week. And all I had to do was find green body paint and a new set of bed sheets. Easily done for the reward and taste of Spence’s sweet ass.
We were really doing this.
Green body paint was easy to find it turned out, all we needed were a couple costume shops and wipe out their supply. It took most of the afternoon, which in itself felt like a separate date, and after the conversation we’d had this morning in bed, I didn’t even know his stance on dating or whether or not we were seriously considering this as a date.
We ate ice cream together too from a parlor and grabbed lunch from the vegan place, all while talking dirty about what we were about to do once we were back at his apartment.
“So, are you sure your roommate won’t come home?” I asked, playing footsie with him under the table. “Because I don’t think I could live with someone after accidentally see them all in green.”
He wrapped both legs around mine, keeping me still. “Yeah, he’s not going to be back all weekend. So, we’re free to take the entire apartment, except for his room, obviously.”
“Wait.” I caught my breath, placing a hand on my chest as a thrill crossed me. “Are you saying we could act out some of the scenes?” We’d skipped through it together, it’s why he was so adamant about doing it before he went away again on Monday.
“Yeah,” he said. “You running around, naked, or in something I can tear off you.”
“Tear off me,” I repeated, my stomach little out a nervous rattle. “I don’t really have anything.”
“One of my T-shirts, of course,” he said. “I’ve got a bunch of old ones, larger too. I had bigger muscles than this once. So, I guess they’ll be easily ripped apart.”
This feral type of play was exactly the stuff I hadn’t been able to verbalize to him earlier. I was instantly hard in my seat, and with his legs rubbing the insides of mine. I wasn’t sure I could walk out of this place without accidentally exposing myself.
“If this is how excited you’re getting just from talking about it, I’m curious how you’re going to be in the bedroom,” he said, his knee practically in my crotch, feeling my erection. My legs and knees couldn’t quite reach his, but I hoped he was just as excited as me.
“And I—” I said, biting my lip and trying to catch the moan in the back of my throat before making a scene. I leaned in over the table to him. “I want you to throw me over your shoulder, like you said you could.”