Page 20 of Gemini
Nodding, slowly, he copied the biting of my lip. “I’ll do whatever you want, as long as I’m in control. So, you don’t get to keep adding extra things in now.”
“So, are we going to play naked hide and seek?”
He pressed a finger to my mouth. “If that’s what I want us to play.”
I nodded like an obedient pet, my mouth shut, but behind it, there were so many things I wanted to keep asking for. He’d seen most of the video, so he knew what I was looking forward to. I could trust he’d do that.
We had to stick around in the cafe for fifteen extra minutes while both of our erections went away. It meant we both had to sit there without touching each other, and not think dirty thoughts. It would’ve gone by a lot faster, but I couldn’t stop thinking naughty things, and I knew I was in for a lot of them.
In Oscar’s apartment, neither of us could wait to strip each other naked. Although there was a process before we could engage in any of the activities Oscar was now in charge of planning. But at least I was able to get my hands all over him as I painted his back green, and he painted his front. Nobody was even going to see us, but he was committed.
He completed the orc look with a ripped piece of fabric tied around his waist, covering his cock, although the print it left from the underside was rather massive.
“Wear this,” he said, throwing a T-shirt at me. “I want to rip it off you, so don’t do any ripping of your own.”It was strange seeing Oscar all in green. It dried down patchy, but it didn’t matter, he was committed to it. He pound a fist to his chest and grunted. “And hide.”
Butterflies. I giggled, racing off down the hallway into his bedroom. We’d already preplanned where I’d hide, mostly because the apartment didn’t have a lot of space to hide, and we were playing a game.
In his oversized T-shirt, I hide inside his closet. There was a little slither of space where the two doors didn’t completely meet. I could see out into his room through it. It made it all the more exciting, even though I knew that he knew where I was. My heart raced with anticipation and excitement, hear him call out to me.
“Human,” he roared. “Where are you?”
I giggled, holding onto the crevice of the inside closet door. My toes scrunched on the wood and my knees were buckling. I was desperate for him to take me.
“Human,” his voice, so deep rattled through me, forcing out a moan.
He stomped away into the bedroom. Sniffing at the air like he could smell me. He looked right at wardrobe and then away. My heart in my ears like it whispered to me and told me to go to him. But of course, I was supposed to be scared of my orc hunter, even if I couldn’t pretend to be scared, I was far too horned up.
Oscar walked around the bedroom, stomping his feet and sniffing the air. I caught him smiling, like he knew he shouldn’t be stomping so much, which made sense, because he’d mentioned having neighbors that complained.
I did my best not to make a sound inside the closet, but it was impossible not to chuckle to myself or wiggle around from the way I held myself up. If I wasn’t taken soon, I’d collapse into a ball at his feet from the weight of my cock chubbing up. I had, after all, been told that a stiff wind could pick me up and take me away.
He approached.
The door swung open.
Oscar pushed out his chest and stared at me, huffing. “You human,” he said. “You mine.” He dipped into a squat, showing off his legs. He grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder and taking me to the bed, not quite a basement with cuffs prepared at the bedposts.
I pretended to resist, throwing gentle fists against his back. “No. Unhand me. Help. Monster.” I didn’t raise my voice, there was no real concern, and I really didn’t want to get the neighbors involved.
“Monster,” he said, throwing me onto the bed. “Human.”
“You’re a monster,” I said once more, tugging the ends of my T-shirt down to cover the excitement growing. “I’m not the monster.”
“We make monster,” he said, taking my hands and cuffing me. The green body paint transferring over to my skin. It was somewhat poetic of him turning me into a monster, a horny one.
This wasn’t how I’d imagined that scene playing out from the porn, it was better, so much better because now I didn’t have to imagine it. I could feel it, every single muscle of his orcish body on mine, his lips, his tongue, and all of the residue from the body paint against mine.
“All mine,” he said, tearing the T-shirt up from the bottom, almost like he was gearing up to tea me in two in the exact same way. I reached for my cock, trying to hide it. “No.”
“Please monster, don’t fuck me.”
The makeshift loincloth moved from the inside, his cock like a waving hand going up in the air. He ripped it away. “Me fuck you.” He beat on his chest again. I loved the attention to detail on his cock and balls,both of which were green, and both of which weren’t going in my mouth, but they would definitely be turning my ass green.
Oscar clearly enjoyed his role, which made my role as the sub even more exciting. I was splayed out of the bed for him to enjoy, and he definitely enjoyed me. His mouth especially, sucking my cock and eating my ass, he got all his green paint on me, and it didn’t really come off his face at all.
I kept up the act, pretending to be helpless as he took advantage of my body. I did as much wiggled around with him between my legs, and all that turned out to create was a mess of green paint shared between the two of us.
He grunted and moaned at me while pushing my legs back against me. He’d explored most of my body, including the flexibility of it.