Page 40 of If You Want Me
“Uh, yeah.” Her eyes rest briefly on mine. “Jameson’s in my group.”
“Is he still interested?” Roman asks.
“Um, yeah. He, uh…he asked me for coffee the other day,” she mumbles.
Is this the kid who wants to Netflix and chill with her? Jealousy leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Which is another problem. She should be all over Netflix and chill with her classmate.
“Did you say yes?” I ask.
Surprise and hurt cross her face before her gaze returns to her plate. “I… This week has been too busy.”
“Coffee is what? An hour commitment?” I press. Every word feels like a razor blade. I need to put what I want aside. It’s better this way. She should be dating, and this guy has been interested for months. It shouldn’t be me she’s thinking about, and I sure shouldn’t be thinking about her.
“Do you like him? Is he nice? He doesn’t play hockey, does he?” Roman asks.
“He’s nice and no, he doesn’t play sports. He is going into sports management,” she confirms.
“That’s good. Pro sports careers aren’t stable. An accountant or manager is a much better side to be on. So what’s holding you back?” Roman sets his fork down and gives Aurora his full attention.
She pokes at her rice. “I, uh, I sort of… I liked someone else, and uh, it’s not… He doesn’t…”
The crack in her voice makes me want to stab myself in the eye.
She takes a deep breath, eyes on her plate. “He’s not interested in me the same way.”
“Sounds like his loss if he can’t see what an amazing person you are,” Roman says gently. “Maybe coffee with Jameson is exactly what you need. I just want to see you happy with a normal guy, living your life.”
“Yeah.” She sighs. “I should probably say yes. At least he’s not afraid to go for what he wants.”
That sword cuts deep, because she’s right. And isn’t that what she deserves? Someone who will take risks for her. Someone who doesn’t kiss her and tell her it’s a mistake when it feels like the opposite.
Roman grins, completely oblivious—thank fuck—to the horrible tension. “That’s my girl. Don’t wait around for some guy to realize what he’s missing. You go for what you want.”
“Thanks, Dad. I think I will.” She smiles, but it looks pained, at least to me.
She excuses herself a few minutes later, her plate still half full, to go set up for her group meeting.
Roman waits until she’s gone before he turns to me. “I knew there was more going on. I don’t know why she felt like she had to keep that from me. I’ve always tried to keep an open-door policy between us.”
“Maybe she was processing, especially if she found out this other guy wasn’t interested in her as recently as last night.” That I’m able to keep my voice even is a miracle. Lying to Roman feels almost as shitty as pushing Aurora into the arms of someone far more age appropriate.
“Yeah, that could be it. We don’t keep a lot from each other.” He taps the edge of the table. “Speaking of dating, have you given any more thought to seeing Scarlet?”
I rub my bottom lip. My ex is the last person I want to see. “We’re on the road half the time.”
“It’s just drinks, though. Like you said, it’s an hour commitment. It could give you some closure at the very least. You don’t know if you don’t try, right?”
“Yeah. I guess.”
“Send her a message. See if she’s available. She’s only in town for a few months. Get closure, if that’s what you need, but take the opportunity for what it is.”
I pull my phone from my pocket, annoyed that his rule about no phones at the table seems to be out the window recently.
Hey. Still interested in grabbing that drink?
I press send and feel like I’m going to vomit.