Page 41 of If You Want Me
“Yes, I am. Thank you.”
I’m about to slide my phone back into my pocket, but it buzzes. Roman gives me a chin tip, so I reluctantly check the screen.
Absolutely. Are you free tonight?
I exhale a lungful of guilt and dread. I don’t want to do this, but I know I should. Not because I have any misgivings about ever getting back together with her. She’s not the one I want.
“She say yes?”
“She asked if I’m free tonight.”
He nods. “Tell her yes and get out of here.”
“I’m getting closure, Roman. That’s all this is.” Scarlett has already done enough damage. I won’t give her the power to do more.
It makes me wonder if this is how Aurora will feel about me one day. And wouldn’t that be exactly what I deserve?
“I’m so glad you said yes.” Scarlet ushers me into the penthouse apartment she’s renting.
“I figured it made sense with you in the city for a while.” I shrug out of my coat and toe off my shoes. I’m not entirely comfortable being in her personal space, but after a short back and forth, this seemed the best location to avoid ending up in the tabloids. I can’t handle hurting Aurora more than I already have by being seen with my ex the night after I kissed her. Being with Scarlet feels all kinds of wrong already.
“Hard to escape me when I’m everywhere, huh?” Her smile is both wry and impish.
“It must get old, being followed wherever you go.” The local tabloids have a daily feature, and lately, it’s been Scarlet getting her morning coffee, or highlighting her designer jacket or shoes, or who the fuck cares what else. I’m used to the fame of being a pro hockey player, but no one tails me from my home to the arena.
She waves a dismissive hand. “You sort of sign on for it in my line of work.” I follow her into the kitchen. “What can I get you? I have wine, scotch, and beer.”
“Beer is good.” I’m driving, and anything stronger would be a bad idea.
“Sure.” She opens a bottle of my preferred brand, obviously prepared. “Would you like a glass?”
“The bottle’s good.”
Her fingertips graze mine when she passes it to me. It doesn’t spark anything except more guilt.
“Thanks.” I take a long swig. “How are you handling the Canadian winter?” Yup, definitely struggling for conversation if I’m already talking about the weather.
“It’s so cold here! I don’t know how you stand it.”
“It takes some getting used to. But I travel during the worst months, so I get a lot of breaks. Can’t be easy on a California girl.”
“I shouldn’t complain. This role is incredible, and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity. Plus, I get to watch you play.” She pours herself a glass of white wine. “It’s good to see you back on the ice. How are you feeling?”
“Good. The concussion was a minor setback.”
She leads me to the living room. I sit in the corner of the couch. She takes the middle cushion and angles her body toward me. She’s wearing jeans and a cropped sweater that falls off one shoulder. Her hair is curled, and her makeup is done. She looks like she’s ready for the camera. She probably is, I realize, in case we leave her apartment together.
“You have another year left on your contract with Toronto, don’t you?”
She enunciates each syllable in the city’s name. I used to do it when I was first traded to the Terror, and Aurora found it hilarious. My chest tightens when I think about what she’s doing right now. Did she make plans with that James kid? How hurt would she be if she knew I was here?