Page 70 of No Bed Of Roses
When they neared, Reg grinned. “Elaine, I’d like to officially introduce you to my wonderful daughter, Isla and her friend Levi. Isla, Levi, this is Elaine Conrad.”
Elaine laughed. “Such a formal introduction. It’s so nice to meet you both in person.” Then she stepped up and pulled Isla into a hug.
The warmth of the hug seeped into Isla and helped settle her nerves. “It’s great to meet you as well, Elaine.”
“Thanks for keeping Reg safe. I’m so sorry you got hurt saving him.”
The woman’s voice wobbled. Isla squeezed her harder and nodded, swallowing hard against the tears.
With a thick laugh, Elaine hugged her again and then released her. She turned to Levi and pulled him into a hug as well. “And thanks to you for everything you’ve done for both Isla and Reg.”
Finally, Reg waved his hands. “Okay, enough with the big emotions. No crying. It’s a happy time.”
Laughing, Isla stepped back. “Agreed. You’ve had a long drive in from Burlington. Did you want to head to the B&B to rest up for a bit?”
Elaine shook her head. “We’re good. I can’t wait to see your farms, along with the greenhouse and the hops I’ve heard so much about. I know nothing about plants, so talk to me like I’m an excited five-year-old.”
They toured the two plots of land, and Isla found Elaine to be bright, curious, and ready to laugh. A perfect fit for her dad who was obviously enamoured.
When they were back in the cottage, Isla put the lasagna she’d bought from Fiona into the oven. Fresh bread and salad too.
Elaine smiled. “That smells and looks amazing.”
Isla grinned even as she waited for the potential judgment. “I’ll pass the compliments on to Fiona in town. I’m not much of a cook myself.”
Elaine’s eyes twinkled. “Me neither. I prefer leaving that to the experts.”
Another reason to like this woman.
As they enjoyed the meal, they talked about Glen and his obsession with money that had caused him to become a criminal.
Reg shook his head. “I can’t believe I was going to leave my money to that jerk. I’m glad we reconnected, Isla. You were always a much better heir. I just couldn’t see it for a long while.”
She smiled at him. “That’s a lovely thing to say, but I don’t want your money, Dad. I’ve got everything I need.”
Reg frowned. “But I want to leave it to you. I want to make up for being such a terrible father. You could do so much good in the world with it.”
She shared a glance with Levi who nodded at her. They’d talked about it, and he’d encouraged her to follow her heart. “I do have an idea about how you could use some of the money to do some good of your own.”
Reg’s eyebrows shot up. “You do?”
“I wonder if you might want to create scholarships for young people who don’t have the funds to attend college.”
Eyes wide, he studied her for a moment, then also looked at Levi and Elaine. No one said anything as he digested the information. Finally, he nodded. “I think that’s a terrific idea. Especially if the people are studying in the fields of agriculture and environmental sciences.”
Warmth flooded her heart and she had to swallow the surge of emotion. “I love that.”
Elaine patted Reg’s arm and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Me too.”
He pointed at Isla. “But not all of it. I’m planning to fund some of your research, and I want to ensure that you’re never in need. And you can’t talk me out of that.”
That made her smile and Levi chuckled.
Her dad’s attitude was everything she’d ever hoped for. And she’d only had to come to Phail to find it.
The next day, Levi wrapped up his chores quickly. He hadn’t told Isla about this afternoon’s surprise, but he’d let Reg and Elaine in on the fun.
He leaped the fence between their properties and realized he should probably put in a gate. Or not. He loved helping Isla over that fence, and they’d had several magical kisses while sitting atop it.