Page 71 of No Bed Of Roses
But the gate would make it easier to move the equipment back and forth. So, a machinery gate, not a people gate. Not for him and Isla anyway.
He spotted her in her greenhouse, working with her bean strains. Hopper snoozed at her feet. Despite the gloomy day and the misty rain, he thought this was another picture that would sell magazines. His Glass Farmer in her element.
When he approached, Hopper lifted his head and barked an acknowledgment. Isla’s head immediately popped up. The worry on her face melted into the smile he loved. The chaos with her cousin wasn’t far enough in the past for her to not worry.
Phail would improve that. Which still sounded ridiculous, even it it made him smile. Isla pulled off her work gloves as he entered and grinned. “Perfect timing. I finished planting the new strain I’ve spliced. I think it’s going to be an improvement.”
He kissed her. “I have a surprise for you. We’ve got enough time to clean up.”
Her eyes twinkled. “A shower surprise? I think we just did that a few hours ago.”
She could always make him laugh. “That wasn’t what I meant, but that sounds like a hell of an idea. Come on.”
When they were clean and satisfied, he whistled for the dog and they headed out the back door and into the continuing rain. Hopper headed straight for the tractor, but Levi let out a sharp whistle. The lab shot Levi a sad glance and then moved to relieve himself on a bush instead. Why did the dog like to pee on rubber?
Levi rewarded him with a belly rub for listening and then took Isla’s hand and headed for the fence. They climbed over and he snuck another kiss at the top of the fence. His cowboy hat shielded them from the rain and he realized he should get her one instead of the ball cap she’d thrown on.
Instead of heading to the farmhouse where Sean and Branna lived, they crossed the land. When they reached the fence to the empty property next door, Isla’s eyes widened. “Did you buy the next property? Do you need more land for your hops? You can use my fields if you need room. You don’t have to put out any more money.”
No wonder he loved this woman. “I’ll keep that in mind if we do decide to expand, but I don’t currently need more room. The farm is the perfect size for six varieties of hops and us. Over we go.”
He lifted her up to sit on the top rail, kissed her quickly, then helped her down the other side. Hopper eased himself under the bottom rail.
“So you’re not telling me what the surprise is?”
“You’re the worst.”
“That’s not what you were panting twenty minutes ago.”
She laughed and swung his arm as they crossed the land. It had an animal barn as opposed to a farming barn, and he wondered about the people who’d lived here before. What animals had grazed here? Cows or horses? Maybe goats or sheep?
At the next fence, he lifted Isla again. There were trees along this fence, and they didn’t have a good view of the property yet.
“I’ve never come this way? Where are we now?”
Instead of answering her, he took her hand again. Before they took a step, a donkey’s bray had her laughing. “That has to be Snoops. We’re at Kimi’s?”
They walked through the trees and into Kimi’s land. The vet had an ever-changing collection of animals. Those who were there for treatment along with the many rescues she took in. Some of those rescues found new homes, but others stayed on and lived out their days in this happy place.
Movement off to the side had them both turning. “What are those things?” They looked like mini ostriches, but weren’t as big as any pictures he’d ever seen.
The flock moved as a unit to the far side of their paddock, and Isla shook her head. “Not a clue. I’ve never seen anything like that before. I’m guessing they’re not the surprise.”
He laughed. “No, although they are a surprise. We’ll have to ask Kimi about them.”
“So, we’re here to see Kimi?”
Her voice held some confusion, but he didn’t answer the implied question. They’d crossed the fields rather than taking the roads to avoid her seeing the other cars in the lot.
They passed a paddock filled with sheep and goats, then he led her to the animal barn where Kimi had her office and vet practice.
When he opened the door to the office, cries of Surprise! and Happy Gotcha Day! filled the air.
Isla whirled to him, smile big enough to brighten the gloomy day. “We get to keep him? Hopper’s ours?”
Then she turned to Kimi and repeated the questions.